
Is there extra overhead in absolute URLs for includes?

I have a situation where it looks like the easiest solution would be to convert from using relative to absolute paths for included files such as CSS & Javascript. There are around 10 included files in total per page - pretty much the same 10 on most pages. I'm wondering if there would be any significant overhead (or indeed downside, oth...

DateChooser cannot change to selected date visuallly in smartgwt

I am using DateChooser in my project.In that after selecting some other date the dateChooser remains in same date(in current date).It is not changing visually.I tried with setData() and redraw() method's also.Still it is not working.I am using smartgwt-1.1 and gwt-1.6.4 version.My sample code is : final DateChooser dateChooser = new Dat...

What are some methods to disable or correct for backward browsing in web apps?

Some web apps 'by design' don't function well when user's hit the back button in the middle of a procedure. What are some ways to disable or correct for users hitting the back button in vulnerable app sections? ...

How to represent this sentence in description logic ?

How to describe this in description logic? "every human is either male or female" Thanks ...

Use canvas tag or create a bunch of <div's> Whats faster?

Hey I have an array of hexadecimal colors and for each color in the array I want to create a 80px by 80px square representing that color. What would be faster performance wise? 1: Use the canvas tag iterating over the array and using the fillStyle and fillRect(); or 2: Iterating over the array and creating a div box and setting the ...

Using JQuery how to show and hide different div's onClick event

I would like to show a div based on the Onclick event of an link. First Click - Show div1 Second Click - Hide remaining div's and Show div2 Third Click - Hide remaining div's and show div3 Fourth Click - Hide remaining div's and show div1 => repeat the loop and goes on.. Code Follows: <div class="toggle_button"> <a href...

Using Entity Framework as Data Access Layer

In my ASP.NET application I want to implement by data acess layer using the Entity framweok so I can use it as an ORM tool. But I dont want the rest of the application to care that I'm using this or be polluted by anything entity frameowrk specific. I cant seem to find anyone who is using the entity framework exclusively in their Data a...

cache managment

hi, I am building a web application and I want to manage cache for several objects, so I don't have to go to the DB each time. my problem is that this objects`s data can be modified by other application on the DB. Does anyone knows a good pattern to keep my cached objects in sync with the BD?. I read this article (www.developer.com/java/...

CSS Menu Displays Incorrectly in Safari

I have written a CSS menu for a site I am helping develop, and it displays correctly in both IE 7 and Firefox 3 (on Windows XP). The intended effect is that the drop down menus should be as wide as the widest element in them (but not wider). In Safari, however, they appear to be roughly twice as wide as they should be. I have no clue as...

How can I develop a CSS based layout that is 100% browser compatible?

We are in the process of creating a few layouts for various external and internal websites. One of the developers is using the not-so best practice of switching his CSS file (one for FF and one for IE) based on the user agent. :/ Others are sticking with table based layouts because they are browser compatible. I would like some minor ...

Tutorial for My Yahoo Application

I am looking for a tutorial to show how to create an application for My Yahoo!. Yahoo's tutorials are very confusing. (I wish their platform were as as simple as Google Gadgets!). The application I want to create is very simple: a form with one field. You fill the form, press submit, and you get an additional field with your response. ...

when i follow the standard practices of web programming, is my app automatically RESTful?

when i use GET to retrieve and show information only, and Create, Update, Delete using POST, will my web app be automatically RESTful? ...

is if ($referer != "mysite.com") not a good way to prevent other sites to hard link my images or swf?

sometimes i see an image not being served when the browser look at www.somesite.com/some_image.jpg -- it will say you need to look at the image from within a page. (such as when using google's image search and looking at some results) so i think their server is using something like # pseudo code if ($referer not contain "mywebsite.co...

What user names should I disallow?

I am working on user registration for a web app, and was just started thinking that I wouldn't want some clever/evil person to come along and register a user name like 'admin'. What other user names should I disallow? Database keywords? Does it matter? Thanks in advance for you responses! Edit: I have security covered. I am more inte...

How to create a Tabbed interface for two different web applications to be displayed as a single page

We have two separate web-apps, say 'retailUI' and 'bulkUI'. These two are basically two separate web applications (within the same business domain). Now, the requirement has been given to us to make the two work together in one page with a Tabbed interface (as a PoC). My problem is that both the applications span over a number of JSP pag...

how to know visitors is actually looking at the webpage and for how long?

when the visitor goes to a webpage, how do we know the visitor is actually showing the page on top (instead of going to another tab or app already). also how do we know how long the user has read the page or how long the page stayed open? ...

How can I redirect a Lighttpd webdav mount depending on user login

I have enabled the lighttpd mod_webdav module and set up a webdav mount point of http://website.com/webdav using the following lighttpd.conf entry: $["remoteip"] == "www.website.com" { alias.url += ( "/webdav" => "/var/www/htdocs/webdav", ) $HTTP["url"] =~ "^webdav($|/)" { dir-listing.activate = "enable" ...

Debugging the base URL element with Firebug

I'm adding the base URL tag to the document head using JS, so the relative links on the page work. But it does not take effect, and Firebug (debugging addon for Firefox) shows the <BASE /> element greyed out.. why? Does this mean Firefox cannot understand it or the syntax is incorrect? ...

mailto: links and webmail

Is there a way to implement a mailto: link that works with webmail clients? Edit - so a traditional mailto link is (as I suspected) not going to work. So has anyone seen anything similar to those rss buttons you see with a variety of the most popular sites on? ...

Are elements cached or not?

Hello, When I check with Privoxy what my browser downloads from one site, it seems like all the elements that make up the page (CSS, JS, icons, etc.) are redownloaded every time, ie. the browser doesn't cache them (Sorry, new uses aren't allowed to include URLs): <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <TITLE>My S...