
Hide Textbox Targeted by the ColorPickerExtender

Is there a way to hide the textbox that is targeted by the colorpickerextender in the newest release of the ajax control toolkit? If you add style="display:none" to the textbox, then the color picker shows up in the top left corner of the browser window. I want it to show up near the button that is referenced in the extenders popupbutto...

Is there standard file names for Terms of Use / Privacy Policy?

Are there standard file names for Terms of Use and Privacy Policies? For some reason, I remember that Internet Explorer and possibly other browsers used to look for them on the current website, and display a little warning icon... ...

Entering imperial length measurements on a web form.

I live in Australia and have not dealt much with imperial length measurements. How would you go about getting users to enter imperial length measurements on a web form, with a precision of 1/64th of an inch? I have thought of several ways to do it, but I don't know if there is a standard way of doing it, that users in the building indus...

How to display excel chart in browser?

I have an excel sheet containing excel chart. I am able to display entier excel sheet on browser using an iframe. However, I only want to display the chart present inside the excel sheet on the browser. How do I achieve this? I see that it needs Javascript + ActiveX APIs. I tried but couldn't get it to work. Please see code given belo...

Using Jquery calling different functions with a singe link

*I would like to use single a href link to call different functions . On first click it should call first_function() and on second click it should call second_function. Like toggling between two functions using same link. Suggest the best way to be done.* Jquery Code : $(function() { var IntervalId; function first_function() { ...

Need Help about Game to Puzzle ?

Hi Friends, I have made cellular automata called Pixelgarde. many different kinds of cellular automata and fuzzy logic are used to create complex life like behaviors. the automatons used in the game simulate: plants, flowers, bugs, fire, sand.... I want to make it a puzzle game but I don't have allot of ideas. Your answers will be he...

What am I missing about WCF?

I've been developing in MS technologies for longer than I care to remember at this stage. When .NET arrived on the scene I thought they hit the nail on the head and with each iteration and version I thought their technologies were getting stronger and stronger and looked forward to each release. However, having had to work with WCF for ...

Using jquery to toggle between different function and not getting resumed where it left

The code of the first function shows three different divs on specific Interval 5seconds (div1,div2,div3). The code of the second function used to stop showing the divs. while showing div2 , I clicked the link to stop at that point it got stopped.But after that i clicked it again and it shows div1 (its getting toggling fine) but i would...

How to make the "<a href" tag refer to nothing?

Hello How to make the "< a href" tag refer to nothing? because I use jQuery I need to make some anchor taks refer to nothing I usually write it like this <a href="#">link</a> however this refer to the top of the page! ...

Passing arrays using json?

Hello I have this php code $ids = array(1,2,3); $names = array("cat","elephant","cow"); $originalSettings = array ('ids'=>$ids,'names'=>$names); $jsonSettings = json_encode($originalSettings); echo $jsonSettings; and this is the jQuery code $.post("ajax.php", {}, function(data){ data.ids.each(function(i) { alert(dat...

Session management in gwt

I am using GWT for my client side application. However, I am not sure how I can handle session management. The GWT application resides on one page, all server calls are done via AJAX. If a session expires on the server. let's assume the user didn't close the browser, and sending some request to server using RPC, how could my server notif...

How did you estimate the time you will spent before starting a web development project?

It feels really bad when you told your client or the manager that this can be finished by 10 days but you spent 20 days to get a point even not deployed to live yet. Any experience can share with me about how did you estimated the time spent on a proposed projects? Thanks ...

SVN checkout the contents of a folder, not the folder itself

Hey, I'm fairly new to linux and svn. I'm trying to checkout the trunk folder of a project into my public_html directory using this command (while in public_html): svn checkout file:///home/landonwinters/svn/waterproject/trunk The waterproject directory contains the files from untarring a base install of drupal. It checks out fine, ex...

Accessing World of Warcraft data from the web.

This one is a little bit off-center, but SO is probably the best forum for getting a straight answer. I'm aware of the WoW add-on programming community, but what I can find no documentation on is any API for accessing WoW's databases from the web. I see third-party sites like WoWHeroes.com and Wowhead use game data (item and character d...

web development with ruby without rails?

For reasons beyond my control, I'm being tasked with Ruby web development that does NOT use Rails or really any other heavyweight framework such as Merb. I'm wondering if anybody else has encountered this and can recommend best practices or resources that describe best practices for such a problem. I'd like to avoid the dreaded out.p...

How is an aggregator built?

Let's say I want to aggregate information related to a specific niche from many sources (could be travel, technology, or whatever). How would I do that? Have a spider/crawler who will crawl the web for finding the information I need (how would I tell the crawler what to crawl because I don't want to get the whole web?)? Then have an ind...

How to reduce the time spent on testing?

I just looked back through the project that nearly finished recently and found a very serious problem. I spent most of bank time on testing the code, reproducing the different situations "may" cause code errors. Do you have any idea or experience to share on how to reduce the time spent on testing, so that makes the development much mor...

How to get value of a select option that was written on the fly with innerHTML = "<option>";

I have writen options to a <select> using something like Id.innerHTML = "<option value='foo'>Foo</option>"; But on submission i get no value from the option? How can i correct this? ...

Pitfalls of Grails? Comparison to Struts 2?

I am looking for any comparative analysis of the Grails vs Struts 2. If any of you gurus have run into issues using Grails. Please do let me know if you have worked on large scale projects that use Grails. Peter Keller had mentioned in my previous post here that Sky News is using Grails. I was wondering if anyone else is using it. It wou...

How to improve your web application

Hi guys, I want to do better, and I want to ear from you about what benefits does something and does it worst to add it to a web application. I do a lot of ASP.NET applications, specially to run inside an CRM application. Something like beeing completly in the user and we 'forget' about it until we receive an email :) This question i...