
What development technologies are used to develop some particular famous web sites?

What web technologies, like programming-languages, frameworks, libraries, ..etc, were used to develop a particular famous web-service, especially Web2.0s. For example, Ruby on Rails is used to develop: Odeo, A List Apart, Twitter, 43 Things. (Source1) (Source2) PHP is used to develop: Facebook, Photobucket, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Digg. (Sou...

jQuery UI Dialog steals focus

Hi I have a jQuery UI dialog which hosts a number of buttons. I would like to have keyboard control (tab-navigation) on these buttons, so on the open event handler for the dialog, I set the first button to focused. I can visibly see this works, and also verify it using document.activeElement, but the focus is then stolen and something...

Why does WebClient timeout when trying to crawl this shortened URL??

All, I have a small webcrawler that sometimes has to crawl twitter and pull out URL's. I use a modified version of the Webclient class provided in the .net framework. Normally this works fine, even with shortened URL's from sites such as bit.ly. However, with the following url: http://is.gd/CioW The webclient times out. Its meant to ...

Moving from Enterprise to World Wide Web

I am going to change my working sphere from Enterprise Web Applications written for concrete business process to Public Web Sites that will be accessible to all users around. What is difference between this two spheres at the most top level? What specific characters I need to know about modern web sites development? ...

How can I set the scrollbar position of the web

Hi all! How can I set the scrollbar position instead of default on the top update:I mean that when the user open the web first time the scrollbar is on the top of the screen(it default) how can I set the scrollbar position(the middle or on the bottom)? so the user can see the middle of the web or the bottom of the web,How I can do i...

How to search google programatically with a keyword and get my website rank?

I want to call a google service using javascript with a keyword and a website url, and get from google the position of this site while searching with this keyword. This is possible? can be done just using javascript or will need a server side language? ...

View in Rails doesn't call overridden attribute accessor

I have a model like this: class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base def amount self[:amount].abs end def transaction_type read_attribute(:amount) > 0 ? :credit : :debit end def transaction_type=(type) if type == :credit || type == 'credit' self[:amount] = amount.abs elsif type == :debit || type == 'debit' ...

Screen-scraping a site with a asp.net form login in C#?

Would it be possible to write a screen-scraper for a website protected by a form login. I have access to the site, of course, but I have no idea how to login to the site and save my credentials in C#. Also, any good examples of screenscrapers in C# would be hugely appreciated. Has this already been done? ...

In a View page within MVC, what is the preferred way to deal with empty variables

When using the MVC design pattern I usually try to make my view files as simple as possible. Therefore in my View I try not to have lots of code like this: if page title exists display page title else display 'default page title' end if Instead, in my Controller I might use code like this: if no page title is specified ...

Ajax page part load and Google.

I have some div on page loaded from server by ajax, but in the scenario google and other search engine don't index the content of this div. The only solution I see, it's recognize when page get by search robot and return complete page without ajax. 1) Is there more simple way? 2) How distinguish humans and robots? ...

How do I include image files in Django templates?

I'm new to Django and I'm trying to learn it through a simple project I'm developing called 'dubliners' and an app called 'book'. The directory structure is like this: dubliners/book/ [includes models.py, views.py, etc.] dubliners/templates/book/ I have a JPG file that needs to be displayed in the header of each Web page. Where shoul...

Best way to integrate PHP forum into Django site?

Suppose you are running a Django site, and have a legacy PHP forum to support and integrate into your site, since current Django forum solutions are not mature enough. What is the best way to do this? Currently I have a simple view, which renders a very simple template which extends my site's base template, and the content area has not...

Java in a Microsoft shop

I've been introduced to this wonderful project, xhtmlrenderer; the flying saucer project. Problem is, is that where I work, it's strictly a microsoft shop and I haven't done any java development since college, and a smidge of WebSphere a few years back. I was wondering what it takes these days to do java development? I set up a quick p...

Is there a validating HTML parser implemented in Java?

I need to parse HTML 4 in Java. Ideally I'd like an implementation that is SAX compatible. I'm aware that there are numerous HTML parsers in for Java, however, they all seem to perform 'tidying'. In other words, they will correct badly formed HTML. I don't want this. My requirements are: No tidying. If the input document is invalid H...

Why are Page Titles on some websites (including Stack Overflow) Clickable URLs?

Why on sites like Stack Overflow, Techcrunch, Smashingmagazine, etc. are the page titles (i.e. the text at the top of the page) clickable URLs that redirect to the same page that the user is on? Some examples: I believe that this does not effect SEO as search engines ignore internal links. Is it for usability purposes? ...

Vulnerability with encrypting cookie info for authentication (stack overflow podcast).

I was listening to the stackoverflow podcast (i think it was episode 52). Jeff was talking how they came up with some type of authorization mechanism where they were encrypting credentials in the cookie they sent to the client. Apparently someone Jeff knows was able to find a hole in this and was able to login with anyones id that he wan...

Desktop development versus Web development

What are the advantages and disadvantages of one model and the other? Why and when would you choose one or the other? If you were going to build a business application, which is the best approach for you? To make this a fair question, is better if you post only quantified non-subjective answers. ...

How to get the language-setting of an iPhone OS device visiting a web page?

I'm trying to create a web-page intended to be viewed by an iPhone OS device. Is there a way to retrieve the current language or some locale-specific data when a user visits on an iPhone OS device? I want to set the web-page language according to the local or language of the device. So, how can I get the language-setting of an iPhone OS ...

grid control with surrport for hierarchical data and frozen column ?

I am trying to find out a way of showing hierarchical data ( 3/4 levels nested data) in grid ( in IE6+ ). I want to show hierarchical data with vales for all columns at the parent and child nodes. Also I want to freeze first two columns in the grid. Be able to expand ( drill down ) the grid view by loading data on demand ( ajax) lookin...

Is there a mature Django forum application?

I am looking for a forum solution for a Django site. I looked over the options in the Django wiki and I check about integrating non-Django solutions. As much as I do not feel comfortable with implementing an external PHP forum, I feel even less comfortable with going with a Django solution which is not mature enough. Do you have any re...