I happened to write this:
<input type="hdnStatus" name="hidden" value="1" />
Instead of:
<input type="hidden" name="hdnStatus" value="1" />
I was surprised that the first line generated a text box with no correct type
If first line generates text box, then is the below line of any use:
<input type="text" name="tbox" va...
I applied CrazyEgg script on our site; However it's unable to capture essential data from the site. Tech person at CrazyEgg mentioned that we have "Frame bursting" script on our site which is causing the issue.
There are a few JS and CSS files loaded upon each page load. Also, i don't use html frame.
Any help OR suggestions are welco...
I'm getting back into web dev after a four/five year hiatus. I was wondering what you folks think the Current Big Thing™ is in PHP dev; i.e., if I'm going to try to put myself back in the game after a break, what should I brush up on? I heard that the model/view/controller method of development is getting popular in php, using Zend Frame...
Ok I have posted a couple of things that had to do with my problem but I think I have it narrowed down. Here is where I am at:
I have my index.rhtml page inside of /views/main and the main_controller is set up correctly. I am attempting to make this page a dashboard of sorts so it needs to reference multiple other views to display their...
How do I force IIS 7 to not cache images for a particular page?
I am building a project management app and need some help with how to pass a parameter (I think that is how you say it). Here is what I have going on.
I have a table called "proposals" and "proposals" allow you to create multiple concepts per proposal. I have a table called "concepts" and on each "concept" the user can "comment". The w...
My company recently decided to turn their contract web development project (they finally brought their website in house) in to a full time position. As an established employee I have first crack at an interview. I've been deveoping at a semi-pro (some light freelancing and development of web aps for my company) level for a while now, but...
Out in the dev lang there are many many, frameworks for all types of languages. For instance, javascript has jQuery, which I use all the time without even thinking about it. Then for php there is Zend and CodeIgnitor, Ruby has rails, Python has django. That's just a few off the top of my head.
I have always been the type of person that ...
for(var i=0;i<tr.length;i++){
var td = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
if(td[2].innerHTML==time && td[3].innerHTML==cls){
var foc = document.getElementById("focus");
Been up all night gettin this silly background to show:
Here is the test page:
You will see 3 columns in the middle. When you hover over them, a drop shadow gets added underneath. I had to set the margin to -10px since the shadow drops outside of the main div. Just take a l...
I want to implant a framework in Erlang that is similar to Kohana event system. Anyone know how to do that or have any idea? I really like how Kohana is structured.
The Kohana event system have been documented here : http://docs.kohanaphp.com/general/events . If I understand it correctly, I can replicate Kohana in Erlang like this...
I have the need to create a web setup project for some of our web applications. We have clients on both IIS6 and IIS7. I want to create an MSI, or some type of setup project that allows me to do the following:
1) Detect if databases exist. If they don't create the database and their objects
2) Select the directory where the files shou...
When researching Google App Engine (GAE), it's clear that using Django is wildly popular for developing in Python on GAE. I've been scouring the web to find information on the costs and benefits of using Django, to find out why it's so popular. While I've been able to find a wide variety of sources on how to run Django on GAE and the v...
I'm writing a web application for public consumption...How do you get over/ deal with the fear of User Input? As a web developer, you know the tricks and holes that exist that can be exploited particularly on the web which are made all the more easier with add-ons like Firebug etc
Sometimes it's so overwhelming you just want to forget t...
I am a long time Java web applications developer,
and in my experience there are 2 major approaches for building web applications.
The first approach, is to use technologies which go back and forth from the client to server like Struts, SpringMVC, JSF and so on.
The second is to use technologies which run mostly on the client li...
Hi, I want to redirect this:
Sorry for being too obvious. I know the htaccess rewritting basis but this is making me a little crazy :)
I am redesigning a site, and the client is set on keeping a small looping Flash animation that is on the current version.
They have asked if it would be better to replace it with an animated GIF version or to keep the current version, and I don't know the answer (apart from get rid of it!). Is either method preferred?
I was wondering if there are any kind of CSS libraries like a Yahoo CSS Library?
Basically I am looking for something akin to JQuery but for CSS instead of JavaScript.
I want to implement a utility for myself that should provide a small console where I can execute random JS in any browser (much like Firebug's console - I don't reinvent the wheel, I just want to do something I need and just have fun doing it).
So the usage use-case would be this:
Click a bookmarklet from any browser.
It show...
I am looking for a book that covers how to do freelance as a web developer. I know there are many general freelance books out there, but I am looking for a freelance book that is somewhat focused on freelancing as a web developer.
Some of things I am looking for in the book are:
Examples of Contracts and Terms & Conditions related to...