
Help me understand this UI jargon

From an interview with Peldi Guilizzoni, the creator of Balsamiq--an Adobe AIR application for creating mockups: And then you started working on the first version Balsamiq Mockups. Was there any hurdles in the development process? Ha! There's always hurdles, it's part of the fun of coding isn't it? Let me think. I t...

Web-Developer's Project Template Directory

IMPORTANT: The accepted answer was accepted post-bounty, not necessarily because I felt it was the best answer. I find myself doing things over and over when starting new projects. I create a folder, with sub-folders and then copy over some standard items like a css reset file, famfamfam icons, jquery, etc. This got me thinking what ...

Get & set caret position in contentEditable iframe (Firefox)

Hello! I've successfully done this for IE7. FF, no dice. any ideas? Thanks! ...

web application attacks and must have defence methods

What is your must have defence methods to common web attacks like XSS, Sql Injection, Denial of Service, etc. ? Edit : I collected your responses under descriptions from Wikipedia. And I add some extra questions to have a complete reference. Sql Injection SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security ...

Why would this web page cause IE6 to lock up?

I'm stumped. From what we can tell there is nothing wrong with this page and it renders fine everywhere else (IE7/IE8, FireFox, Opera, Safari, etc). The problem is that if it's loaded in IE6 on Windows XP SP3 it just locks up the browser and it has to be force-closed through task manager in most cases. A few of our test computers load...

Webforms App Layout Opinions?


How is web programming different from back-end programming?

I have worked on single threaded business logic/back-end programming for most of my career. I now wish to learn web programming but would like to know how web programming is different from non-GUI programming (e.g. writing an API or a file processing application). I am not talking about the GUI design aspects (someone has already asked t...

How do I check if a page is bookmarked

Without resorting to using an ActiveX or some other kind of client side coding: Is it possible to determine if a visitor to a website arrived to a page via his bookmarks or the home page? Personally I think its impossible, but I would like to be sure or proven wrong. The way I am doing something like this at the moment is: Request.Ur...

What are the ways to find bottlenecks in a web application?

How do I benchmark the performance of my web applications? Is there a way to find out the bottlenecks in a web application? EDIT: I am not asking about any front end tweaks like images, css etc. What I want to know is how to profile the back end of the application so that I will know which methods/queries to modify to increase the perf...

Web based wizard with Python

What is a good/simple way to create, say a five page wizard, in Python, where the web server component composes the wizard page content mostly dynamically by fetching the data via calls to a XML-RPC back-end. I have experienced a bit with the XML-RPC Python module, but I don't know which Python module would be providing the web server, h...

What (free) web development IDEs do people use?

I'm after a free (and Free) lightweight IDE at least on Windows, and preferably cross-platform as well, which handles: XHTML, CSS and Javascript (maybe even jQuery..!) syntax highlighting FTP deployment Version control integration (CVS, SVN, Git, whatever) What've people found to work? EDIT: I've tried a few of these, and have chose...

How to access objects/arrays defined in JavaScript from Java applets.

Using LiveConnect getMember(String) method of a window JSObject, a Java object of type "Object" is returned but I don't find the expected members defined on it. Neither can I cast it to a JSObject to continue using the getMember(). Accessing DOM nodes and elements (DOM Objects) works as expected. ...

Commonly used keyboard shortcuts in web apps

I'm setting up keyboard shortcuts for a web app, and I'm wondering: What are the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts (in web applications)? For example, Google's gmail and reader uses j / k : previous/next o / Enter: open/expand which seems to have stuck, but they also use p/n: previous / next message ...which to me see...

Set variable on drop using jquery draggable/droppable

I am working on a proof of concept that makes use of the jquery ui draggable/droppable. I am looking for a way to set a variable equal to the index of a div that is dropped into the droppable area. (Say I have divs named "div0", "div1", "div2", etc...) So imagine the code would look something like this: <div id="div0" class="draggable...

Which Web Development Browser Plugins Do You Find Useful?

I find that when I am doing web development there are a few browser plugins that are very useful to me. For Firefox I am using: Firebug - Great for inspecting the HTML elements and working with CSS. YSlow for Firebug - Developed by Yahoo! and gives timing and tips about page resources. Live HTTP headers - Lets you inspect the headers...

Is it OK to have two frameworks in the same project?

So I have taken over a Java Web project. The application was written by another developer who now works for another company. Generally speaking, the application is straightforward, well designed and the code is documented enough. The only issue is that the previous developer decided to built his own database access library instead of usi...

Getting project web page names as an enumeration in asp.net.

Hello everyone, I know that in markup view Visual Studio will provide you with an enumeration of all the page names in your project (add an element and see what you get from Intellisense when specifying the ImageUrl attribute). My question is: how do I get to that enumeration? If that's not possible, what would be the best way in asp....

How to speed up a web site where most page resources are already cached by the browser

I want to improve the page load times of a web site. It is a web application (think something like web mail) with relatively few users that spend long periods using the site. As almost all page requests are from users that have already used the site, images, css and external javascript resources will have been cached by the browser dur...

Reordering of table rows with arrow images for up and down?

I want to add small images-arrows for moving up and down on table row in Javascript (maybe jQuery) and save the reordered table (only the order) in cookie for further use. An example would be - Joomla, inside the admin area in the Articles area (but that is done with php). Thanks. ...

Why use definition lists (DL,DD,DT) tags for HTML forms instead of tables?

I've come across a few examples recently that do things like: <dl> <dt>Full Name:</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="fullname"></dd> <dt>Email Address:</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="email"></dd> </dl> for doing HTML forms. Why is that? What is the advantage over using tables? ...