
SQLEXPRESS: Suitability for Production Websites for Read Mostly Data

Has anybody used a local instance of SQLEXPRESS on a web server for serving up read only/mostly content? It seems a read-only database with no referential integrity, denormalized tables, indexes galore, etc. could perform well. Is this a completely horrible idea? And if so, why? ...

Design order: Firefox, IE, or both?

When coding new javascript heavy websites, which order or web browser do you code for? I can see these possible orders, but I am not sure which I like best: Code for one first and get it working well, then start testing with other and fix errors as I go. This will allow for the most rapid development (with Firefox at least) but I've ...

How to detect if cookies are disabled? Is it possible?

How to detect on server side that cookies in browser are disabled? Is it possible? Detailed explanation of question: I am processing HTTP request on the server. I want to set cookie via Set-Cookie header. I need to know at that time whether cookie will be set by client browser or my request to set cookie will be ignored. ...

Is it worth learning Python?

I'm a C++/C#/.NET developer. I'm looking for something new and fun. Also I want to develop some web applications. So my question is: is it worth to jump into Python (what is so good about it?), or you recommend me something else (what is so good about something else)? ...

Rendering remote content through html frame !

I want to display remote content using html 'frame'.Say i want to display the content of www.news.google.com on a frame ...how to do that? ...

Are there any free tools to help me simulate load on a server?

Hi, I have a problem. I need simulate load in my web server, but all the tools that I see are not free (sorry but my English it's very poor). Can anyone recommend me any free tools that simulate load in a web server? ...

How do you refactor a Codeigniter controller function that is too long?

I have a function in my controller that has grown longer than I'd prefer and I'd like to refactor it to call a few discrete functions to make it easier to manage. How can I better organize a long function in a Codeigniter controller? What I've tried: I know you can create private functions in a controller by naming them with a leading ...

File Vs Database

I'm going to implement an Access Control List for each individual user so they can assign access to their own resources so they can hide stuff, for example, from their mothers, but show their friends. Now storing ACL in a database seems like it can get pretty insane when each user is also a group, which can have many sub groups. So I'm ...

Possible Successors to Flash-style Runtimes?

I tend to believe that Flash and other proprietary, browser-based runtimes are not a good idea. But, people seem to love them because they are pretty and offer developers a lot of power as long as they get on board with buying the tools, etc. Does anyone see a future where such a business model doesn't exist? I think there is a great o...

What are your feelings on JavaFX?

I currently do a lot of work in ActionScript 3.0, I also love to program in Java. Is JavaFX perfect for me? What is the general feeling on JavaFX, will it become a power house, or go down the same path as Java Applets? Could the designers I work with become comfortable with JavaFX to the same extent they are comfortable with ActionScript...

Do you have any security concerns when it comes to JQuery plugins?

Hello all, I am curious as to what, if any, security concerns other develpers have in regards to the use of JQuery plugins. I have seen very little talk about security where JQuery is concerned. Is it really a non issue? Appreciate your thoughts! ...

best way to store survey data?

I am developing a very small survey application, likely 3-4 pages web application. so my question is what is the best way to save survey data? by the way so far I have come up with the following ways. save to database and mark each survey as incomplete. when user submits last form of the survey check completeness of the survey and m...

Question about Jboss deployment

Hi All, I am new to Jboss and deployment of web applications etc. I have two different war files deployed on the same Jboss server. Further they also share some classes which read different properties based on the application settings (Let's call a common class as CommonClass.class which is present in App1.war and App2.war; CommonClass ...

how to prevent this type of error

i am developing a jquery script. i am use this "$("a").html(" alt='example' src='example.jpg> ")" to dynamically adding a "img" tag inside "a" tag. (note, src='example,jpg has no closing single quote ). in firefox, "img" tag showed up, but in IE and opera "img" tag did not show up, so i have spent 2 hours try to find out why? then...

Needed: Light and free HTML editor with source control support

We're not doing real web development. We get our HTMLs from our designers, and have our web app generate those HTMLs (with some specific content). Simply put, we don't use any major web development infrastructure (ASP, PHP, JSP etc). Having that said, we sometimes do need to edit HTML, JavaScript and CSS files, and I'm tired of using roc...

How to best handle user state when multiple browser windows share same session?

I have a web application (Java, Websphere, JSP) which allows co-workers to register visitors to various company exhibitions. A user object is stored in the session which records the currently selected exhibition and this is used when entering the details of new visitors. One user has decided to open a second browser window which seems t...

Intermixing HTML form and table

For a standard "add item" form page it is desirable to have two submit buttons: an "OK" button and a "cancel" button, where the former POSTs the form to one URL, and the latter GETs some other URL. This obviously means that two separate FORMs are needed, and, if laid out with tables, the markup would go as follows: <form action="add.ht...

Can /tmp in Linux ever fill up?

I'm putting some files in /tmp on a web server that are being used by a web application for a limited amount of time. If the files get left in the server's /tmp after the user quits using the application and this happens repeatedly, should i be concerned about the directory filling up? I read online that rebooting cleans out the /tmp dir...

What's a good HTML template engine for C++?

Planning to write a website in C++. Would like to use a template system like Clearsilver, but maybe there's a better alternative? ...

How to get multiple separate HTML tables to all be the same width as the widest table

Problem: I have HTML markup to deal with that consists of multiple tables nested inside another table. I would like the "inner tables" to all be the same width. I would also like all of the "inner tables" to be no wider than the width of the widest "inner table" in its natural state. I do not want to simply set the width of all the tabl...