
ASP.net and Using Frameworks / Libraries / Methodologies

I have built several personal sites and now I and going to rebuild an existing one. I want to standardize on jQuery and Blueprint CSS. I used to use a Master page for everything but that does not seem to match real well with something like Blueprint. Not to mention the pain of the master page renaming of the controls ids and applying t...

What is the source of /path/(null) requests?

We are beginning to see requests in our Apache Logs in the form /abc/(null) These requests all have MSIE 8.0 and Trident 4.0 in the User-Agent field. The requests began to appear when we hadn't deployed any changed code for several weeks. What is the source of these requests? Is this a bug in MSIE 8? What is a systematic way to d...

WYSIWYG editor vs Hand Code

What are the pros and cons of using a WYSIWYG editor for web page development vs hand coding? With the exception of just not knowing how to create something by hand coding is there any reasons to use WYSIWYG? ...

Is ColdFusion a good choice for web development?

I've looked into the benefits of PHP, ASP.NET, Python, Rails, etc. These technologies seem very popular among folks here, but I don't see too many ColdFusion questions. Is ColdFusion a good solution for working with popular JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery? Also, what would be a good IDE to use for building a ColdFusion based web si...

Free Ebook for flex

I am planning to learn Flex. Can anyone give me the link for free and good EBook for flex in pdf format. Is there any drawbacks of flex? thanks. ...

Velocity named parameters for a macro

I have a macro taking several parameters. Some of these are optional and if a parameter is left empty it will replaced with default. Now the question is how to make this as easy as possible for ordinary web designer. Is there any other possibity apart from my examples to handle this case? Example 1: The obvious problem here is the op...

Where to start from in web development?

Hi, I'm a college student in computer sciences and I love programming. I'm fluent in Java , C++ , vb.net and some python/c#. The thing is that I don't know much about web development. Only some HTML/CSS at a very low level. I'd like to know where to get started in order to end being able to build nice websites using some languages. What ...

Help designing a re-usable routing system in .NET 3.5 using C#

I'm in the process of buidling a few ASP.NET webforms that need to support approvals. The approvals would be done based on a org chart, probably represented as a tree. I've been thinking the approval routing (process of determining who soemthing should be routed to) should be seperate from the actions being performed. This would allow...

Are there reasons to still use the "@import" css rule?

I recently came across a use of the @import rule on Coda.com. They're actually using to import the main style sheet for the site, specifically the format: <style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import url(./coda.css); </style> Which will hide the rules from Netscape 3 and IE 3 and 4. Since a web development tools primary audience w...

Does visibility affect DOM manipulation performance?

IE7/Windows XP I have a third party component in my page that does a lot of DOM manipulation to adjust itself each time the browser window is resized. Unfortunately I have little control of what it does internally and I have optimized everything else (such as callbacks and event handlers) as much as I can. I can't take the component of...

OpenID authentication and API access

OpenID authentication is inherently browser based. If I wanted to allow an OpenID user to authenticate against an API for use in alternative clients, is there an accepted best practice for that? So if a user tried to log in with their OpenID into an iPhone app, for instance, how would that work? The only thing I can think of generatin...

Detecting honest web crawlers

I would like to detect (on the server side) which requests are from bots. I don't care about malicious bots at this point, just the ones that are playing nice. I've seen a few approaches that mostly involve matching the user agent string against keywords like 'bot'. But that seems awkward, incomplete, and unmaintainable. So does anyo...

.Net DirectoryInfo path

Does anyone know how to set the path for DirectoryInfo when I want to map to a folder named images on webRoot. /images Any help much appreciated, Thanks ...

Memcache sharing

Is it possible to share a single instance of a Memcache between multiple projects. Suppose I push one object inside the memcache in one project, is it possible for me to retrieve the same object from a different project. ? ...

Solution items cross several web projects in Visual Studio

I have two web projects, both these projects share client-side JavaScript currently residing as almost identical copies in both projects. I say almost because I'm clearly having versioning problems with these files. I've managed to put the files in a solution folder and created links to them from my projects and this works when I publis...

How can I prevent my web content from being repackaged by another site

I just noticed that one of my questions, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/449207/how-can-i-call-activatekeyboardlayout-from-64bit-windows-vista came up in a google search at another site. http://devmeat.com/show/898409 It got me thinking, why would devmeat repackage SO content? Web traffic, money, maybe even an altruistic desire to ...

Why would you choose a fixed-width design?

Update: I deleted my motivation because it seems to distract readers. This is not about "why don't you make your window smaller". See the screenshots and you will see obstructed text because of fixed width. See my reference to "em/ex" notation in CSS. I would like to have a real discussion here. Thank you. Now I would like to ask real...

Why Won't Server Side Includes Work?

I have been trying to use Server Side Includes on my website to save time writing code and be able to change site wide elements quickly and easily. However i cannot seem to get them to work, either locally or on the Server. I have set them up as .html files (with only the code needed and no html or body tags) in a "ssi" folder and am c...

When I add an option to a select the select gets narrower.

Inherited an app with a page that has a link that calls the javascript function addValueClick(), when I do this a dialog box pops up, I type in some text, and then the text gets put in the select box. Every time a new option is added to the select it gets about 5 pixels narrower. I can't figure out why this is happening, but it only hap...

when running asp.net project I get: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

hello, I recently installed vs2005 with sp3.5 on a new vista computer. Never had Visual Studio installed on this computer. whenever i'm building a web project, i receive the following: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". I can't run any of my projects... Thanks ...