
UIWebView overlapping

hai good afternoon to everyone, i have developing i-phone web application. In my application i have load two web pages in single UIWebView. After this process completed one web page should hide or overlap others whenever they get the user-interaction, but i need that should not be, user-interaction also should remain so-far. please any ...

New web standards?

Google, Microsoft, & Yahoo now plan to create a new web standard. Is this going to be an advantage to web developers using html, ajax as development? Will there be no browser issues if this happens? Are they doing this new standards to beat adobe's flash player, and mxml conventions? What's the best move for web app development today ...

Is it feasible to do (serious) web development in Lisp?

It obviously is possible to write almost any kind of application in almost any programming language, especially in such a powerful one as Lisp (be it Scheme or Common Lisp). But is it practical to use it for web development? If so, what should be a good starting point? Where can be found the proper resources (tools, libraries, documentat...

What's the need for XHTML?

In an interview I was asked a question that I'd never thought about, which was "We already have HTML which fulfills all the requirements of writing a web page, so what's the need for XHTML?" I Googled a lot and also read many articles, but I'm not able to get properly why XHTML has been introduced. Please explain to me. ...

Correct way to pass a variable from the server backend to javascript?

I need to pass a variable that php is aware of to my javascript code and I'm wondering what the correct way to do this is. I already know that I could add this to the page generation: <script type="text/javascript"> var someJSVariable = <?php echo $somePHPVariable ?> </script> But I find this method to be more obtrusive than I'd like...

Which authentication mechanism to choose?

Well, on my free time, I'm making this small web site. The site will not require to authenticate, only some actions (like leaving a comment) will require to do so. I would expect to have up to 100 (probably less) unique visitors a day. I don't really expect more than 50% to (bother to) register. Right now, I'm thinking of three possibl...

Java or scripting

What are the benefits of using Java to build web applications over scripting languages such as PHP ? ...

Porting MS Access application

I have been asked by a friend to help him assess a number of quotes for porting a desktop application based on MS access and VBA to a web based app. The application seems to have a relatively large amount of business logic coded into the VBA. My question is very specific - are there any good tools or resources out there which could ass...

Inspect in IFrame in IE8 Developer Tools?

I really enjoyed using the Developer Toolbar with IE7, and recently upgraded to IE8 to take advantage of (what appeared to be) more full-featured developer tools. The IE8 tool is really excellent (finally rivals FireBug), but I can't seem to inspect inside an iframe, which I could with the IE7 toolbar. I'd prefer not to downgrade to ...

Education for next phase of my career, and what would the next phase be?

I've been working in web development and design for the past 8 years, which breaks down like this: Graphic Design: 8 years; HTML/CSS/Javascript: 8 years; ASP (VBScript) and SQL Server: 6 years; XML, XSLT, XPATH: 2 years; ASP.NET: Occasional exposure in VB and C#, nothing to write home about. I'd like to move on, but instead of advancin...

Is it wrong to use * when reseting Margins/Padding in CSS?

Should the following be shunned, or praised for its simplicity? For the record, I use it in every site I build, but I've noticed it's not present in many main-stream CSS-Reset frameworks...is there a reason they don't use it too? * { margin:0; padding:0; } Edit: I was curious about performance, mostly. ...

What is the quickest way from a concept to a site?

I've got a bunch of website ideas and I was wondering what is the quickest way to get from a pretty thorough concept definition (idea mind-maps, use-cases, architecture diagrams ) to a working website. The only point is to get to something that's functional, not worrying about performance. The idea is to get something out to showcase a f...

Is there a generic way to see what is a website running on ?

Maybe like whoishostingthis.com can tell you who is the ISP of a website. Is there a way to find-out what is a website running on ? (so like I can see that stackoverflow.com is running on Rails v9.3.2.1 and digg.com is running mostly drupal but with many customizations ) Thanks. ...

What's the best way to track unique visits to a page?

I want to log unique visits to a particular page on my site. What is a pretty accurate yet simple way to do this? Simply by IP? Suggestions? Let me clarify a bit: I have a list of articles on my site. Every article is actually the same page like article.aspx. However the content is different based on thee article being viewed. I want t...

Is Java overkill for news websites?

A client of mine wants a news website designed in Java, and I told him that Java is overkill for that kind of website. I suggested to him that there are dozens of CMS that we can customize for him, as well as other programming languages that are better suited for websites but he insisted. Is Java overkill for news websites? ...

What is CGI mode?

What does it mean when we say an application can run in CGI mode? I was reviewing the features of various CMS systems on cmsmatrix.org and "CGI mode support" was listed as a feature. What are the other "modes" in which a web application can run? ...

Disable link button after click on it in c#

I want to disable link button after clicking of it & other enable. toggle enable/ disable between both link buttons using c# ...

Fitting different images as done in Ted.com

How resizing and fitting different images in a fixed space as done in http://www.ted.com/talks/browse and search results jinni.com. Any leads how this can be done, like with jQuery or with php support something. Thanks ...

Parsing HTML generated from Legacy ASP Application to create ASP.NET 2.0 Pages

One of my friends is working on having a good solution to generate aspx pages, out of html pages generated from a legacy asp application. The idea is to run the legacy app, capture html output, clean the html using some tool (say HtmlTidy) and parse it/transform it to aspx, (using Xslt or a custom tool) so that existing html elements, ...

Server Side PDF Printing with Flash?

Does anyone know of a server side technology that can print/save a web page to PDF including embedded Flash components? Essentially I would like simulate client side printing to PDF functionality but on the server to implement a "Download PDF" link but I don't believe HTML to PDF solutions support Flash. ...