
What are the most Important Usability, Accessebility and SEO guidelines??

Can anyone tell me some of the most important usability, accessibility and SEO guidelines, which must be taken into considerations while developing a good Web2.0 website ??? ...

OOPS, there goes the performance?

I was working on my website written in php/mysql. When I first wrote it, it was spaghetti with lots of php embedded in html and the like - very hard to maintain. I rewrote the whole thing with a nice modular structure with OOPS, and now it is much easier to maintain and expand. But when testing the site performance using webwait and si...

Manually setting a GridView's PageCount when DataSource doesn't return full result set?

I'm trying to figure out ASP.NET's GridView pagination mechanics so I can use the framework's native functionality instead of my company's home-brewed manual pagination routines which take a lot of work to implement. I've figured out everything except how get the GridView's PageCount property to work with our web services. Currently, ou...

Load testing the UI

I have been working on a site that makes some pretty big use of AJAX and dynamic JavaScript on the front end and it's time to start stress testing. But how do you properly stress test something that requires clicking several links on the front-end? One way I was able to easily hit every page of the site quickly and repeatedly was to poin...

SVG vs CANVAS, where is the Web World going towards?

I need to pick one of two technologies (svg, canvas) for an ongoing project of mine. I would prefer to pick the technology that is more maintained and in active development rather then choose a technology marked for "putting down". Which of the two should I choose? Is there a good JS library built on top of them? ...

Google search in grails application

I am creating one web application in GRAILS framework.In that I want to implement google search feature.Can we implement this feature? If we can, How to implement this feature in grails application? Can anyone provide help on this? Thanks... ...

How to get the get method parameters in jsp?

After getting a input from the first page, I passed it in to the url using get method. In the next page I want to process it using jsp, but how do I get that parameter. ...

What are the url parameters naming convention or standards to follow

Are there any naming conventions or standards for Url parameters to be followed. I generally use camel casing like userId or itemNumber. As i am about to start of a new project, i was searching whether there is anything for this, and could not find anything. I am not looking at this from a perspective of language or framework but more as...

Is it possible to change the hotspot of a mouse cursor on a web page?

As the title says. I would like to change the hotspot of a mouse pointer, which we've changed the icon using a .cur file, to be in the bottom right of the image, rather then the top left. Is this possible? ...

Getting webpage statistics in ASP.NET

Which free (preferably open source) component would you recommend to capture my website visitation statistics under ASP.NET? I have SqlServer available. I would prefer db at the back end vs file logging because it is reportable. ...

Windows licensing for web developer

I need to test my website on Windows, now and in the future. I don't yet have Windows. I just need the software, but don't mind purchasing hardware to get the software. What's the cheapest ethical way to do this? Some options: buy a used computer on eBay. Will I be able to upgrade to future versions of Windows if I also upgrade the ha...

Why do browsers have such poor support for W3C standards?

I can't figure it out. Is it because the people making the browsers don't care? Is it because we, as developers, already write hack code to get around things that don't work in browser X and Y? ...

Solutions for Java User Account Management

I currently work on a Java web application that has relies on a permissions mechanism to manage user content. This of course means that we need to manage users. Our current user management system is an in house system that manage info about users, groups, and user and permissions in an RDBMS. The system works but is a hassle to maintain....

What is the simplest way to set up a query form online to then plug into Access?

I want to experiment with putting a form on a website. Then take the answers from the filled form and viewing those answers in Access to be linked directly into a db. Any ideas? How do I create the form, ASP, html? I know connection using ODBC from ASP to Access can work - I need more info around the issue generally.. alternatives etc....

Open source web site with adsense

I have web site developed with Grails. On the site there is google adsense and links to amazon. I would like to open source the implementation of the web site but I am not sure if I would still be able to "make money" using adsense. So question is, if I open source the code behind the web site am I still able to run google adsense on t...

displaying pdf on a website

We want to display a pdf-file on a webpage. From what i can think of i see two possible solutions, displaying the file with some kind of pdf reader(maybe in flash?) or converting the pdf-file to html before displaying it. How would you proceed to solve a problem like this? Which would be the preferable method? ...

Mixed language web dev environments

I have inherited a broad, ill-designed web portfolio at my job. Most pages are written in Perl as most of the data ingested, processed, and displayed on the site comes in the form of flat-files which then have to be meticulously regexed and databased in our MySQL and Oracle databases. As the first IT-trained manager of this environme...

Stopping users voting multiple times on a website

I'm planning to add some vote up/vote down buttons to a website I run. This seems easy enough but I want to stop people voting multiple times. One solution would be to make them register before allowing them to vote but I'd prefer not to have to force them to register. Is there are a reasonably straightforward way of doing this? Checki...

Problem with <h1> in drop down menu?

I am using this menu on my web page <select id="menu"> <option value="1"><h1>one</h1></option> <option value="2"><h1>two</h1></option> <option value="3"><h1>three</h1></option> </select> I would like to know why <h1>...</h1> is not working. Thanks!!! in advance. ...

How can I scale a div to 100% height and width inside of another element

How can I scale a div to 100% height and width inside of another element? In my case a sourrounding td. Since I'm a plugin I can not control the other HTML on the page. Here is my HTML: <body style="height:100%;"> <table width="600px" height="400px" border="1"> <tr> <td style="background-color:silver;">Cell 1</td> <td...