
Tips for optimizing a website for Android's browser?

I'm looking for tips, tricks and resources on optimizing a website design for Android's browser. I'm building an Android app and some of the functionality will be accessible through a web interface. ...

User impersonation with ASP.NET Forms Authentication

Scenario: In an e-commerce system, a helpdesk user should be able to "impersonate" or "log on as" a specific customer (from the web-based administration site) so that he can support the customer first-hand - eg. when the Customer is on the phone. Additional clarification: There is no need to keep track of the original authentication con...

cffile upload location

In CF7, can anyone tell me if there's a way around the file being automatically uploaded to the /tmp/ folder before being moved to a destination location I provide? I'm trying to use cffile in a shared server location. I don't have access to the tmp directory, and am hoping to find a work around. <cffile action="upload" destination="...

Embed YouTube videos while staying XHTML 1.0 Strict?

Is there a way to embed a YouTube video while still staying standards compliant (XHTML 1.0 Strict)? Thanks in advance. ...

Focus on a non-input/anchor element?

I'm working on some JavaScript that requires a tag that can get focus. I'd like to be able to use a <div /> tag, however <div /> tags can't get focus. It looks like the only elements that can gain focus are <input /> tags and <a /> tags. Is there any other way to allow an element to gain focus that isn't an <input /> or <a /> tag? I ca...

Single line select box with up/down arrows like in a multi line select box

Basically, I want this: <select size="2"> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> </select> But instead of having two lines, I want it on a single line. Can this be done without Javascript? If not, I would imagine it's common enough (though I can't find any relevant links on Google)...

What are the right materials for a desktop developer to become web developer ?

Hi, I'm a .NET guy desktop developer, and I love that. I don't really love web development because we lost precious time to debug CSS, javascript, and compatibility stuff instead of creating value. But I think it's because I had not taken time to learn about good web development practices, so now because I want to become the best devel...

Tabbing in text boxes

How can I make a text box that allows users to enter tabs, and does not send the user to the next element when the tab button is pressed? ...

New Project : Online Image Search, While Keeping The Images Secure

I'm about to start a project for my other half; the ability to search archaeological images based on certain criteria. The ability to search these criteria is right up my street, a database of images (or their file-paths) associated to some meta-data. The interface would allow searching of the meta-data, then display the matches with t...

Python or Ruby for a .NET developer ?

I'm a C# .NET developer and I work on mostly ASP.NET projects. I want to learn a new programming language, to improve my programming skills by experiencing a new language, to see something different then microsoft environment, and maybe to think in a different way. I focus on two languages for my goal. Python and Ruby. Which one ...

How to speed up Google adsense and analytics loading time?

This might fall under the category of "you can't", but I thought it might be prudent to at least see if there is something I can do about this. According to FireBug, the major bottleneck in my page loading times seems to be a gap between the loading of the html and the loading of Google adsense and analytics. Notice in the screenshot b...

Do you know any Chart Management Example?

I'm stuck at designing an user interface for defining dynamic charts which are using recordset for databinding. i dont need charting application or api, i need admin UI to control them Do you know any good example of chart management application? or any suggestion for developing one? ...

Graceful degradation - when to consider

When designing and building the UI for an application that uses AJAX, when do you consider graceful degradation (for users who have JavaScript disabled, or are using a screen reader)? At the end, once the AJAX version of the site is completely finished At every stage of development I don't Something else... ...

How can I redirect my domain to a different page or directory?

Please suggest a method other than use of .htaccess.. ...

ASP.NET content/functionality versus design/layout/styling

When developing a web application using ASP.NET, do you have any hints about how to separate the development of content/functionality from the design, so that the two can be developed separately and in parallel? The situation is: Customer has agreed on what functionality they want Customer is changing their mind about the appearance (...

Web Programming Grand Challenges?

Are you satisfied with the current state of web programming? What fundamental changes or improvements would you suggest to vastly improve the state of the art of web programming? What problems do these developments address? In other words: What are the Grand Challenges of Web Programming Technology? ...

Clear all website cache?

Is it possible to clear all site cache? I would like to do this when the user logs out or the session expires instead of instructing the browser not to cache on each request. Tom ...

Data Driven Validation Rules in VSTS 2008 Test Edition

We are using VSTS 2008 to perform some relatively simple web testing of a web application that we have under development. We have data sources defined to provide input data to the tests, and would like to perform our validations based on this data source also. The problem that I have is the VS GUI does not allow me to bind values in vali...

file_get_contents VS CURL, what has better performance?

I am using PHP to build a web crawler to crawl millions of URLs, what is better for me in terms of performance? file_get_contents or CURL? Thanks. ...

Put javascript in one .js file or break it out into multiple .js files?

My web application uses jQuery and some jQuery plugins (e.g. validation, autocomplete). I was wondering if I should stick them into one .js file so that it could be cached more easily, or break them out into separate files and only include the ones I need for a given page. I should also mention that my concern is not only the time it t...