
Do you know a free or open source website spell-checker?

We are looking for a free to use website software for spell checking our sites before they go to production. A basic search online took me to these pages: Net MECHANIC Text Trust Orango I did the trial in NetMechanic and I got a bogus email with no result and encouraging me to buy their paid subscription. Any suggest...

Scrollable Table using jQuery

Is there any good and light jQuery plugin out there make Scrollable Tables. I got one at http://www.webtoolkit.info/scrollable-html-table-plugin-for-jquery.html but that won't working non-IE and non-FF browsers. Thanks! ...

Setting JFreeChart / Cewolf X Axis Interval

I am trying to display some charts on a web app that has data for every minute. The problem is when I try to view an hours worth of data (default) you just see a bunch of hash marks. Is there a way to set the interval so that you it automatically sents 5 marks that display the date time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Current: http://img255....

Is releasing a web app that only supports three browsers ill advised?

Some Background information We have developed the application against the two most popular standards compliant browsers - Firefox 3 and Safari 3, then made necessary fixes for IE 7 We have used the HTML 4.01 Strict DOCTYPE Firefox 3, Safari 3 & IE 7 will cover 85% of our target audience -- according to Urchin stats during a brief AdWo...

Safari3 and Safari4 side by side

I've just read about the release of Safari4 (beta) and its much improved Javascript engine. I was planning to start playing with it, but I am wondering if anybody knows if both Safary 3 and Safari 4 can be run side by side. ...

Is there a way to get the offset of the selected text within an input box in IE?

In Firefox, you can simply call: myInputTextField.selectionStart or myInputTextField.selectionEnd to get the first and last indices of the selected text in the input box. In IE, I know that you can call document.selection.createRange() to fiddle with the selection a little bit. For the life of me, however, I have not found any value ...

Using Excel (Or Calc) as a web-app frontend or embedded widget

Problem: When dealing with web-applications that require grid-based input (but is not a fullblown spreadsheet like Google's) there is a common problem. Either the web-GUI sucks, or it is tied behind some heavily-specialized API that takes way too much training and time to use effectively (not to mention the price tag tends to be high for...

Has anyone used the new WCF REST Starter Kit successfully and would you use it again?

As the title suggests, I would like to see if this is something people are happy with. I have several projects, where I will dedicate some time in experimenting with different kinds of technologies web service related, preferably alternatives to SOAP which would be well integrated inside/with dotnet. I would like to hear if there are a...

Fast Loading web pages

We are planning to develop a new website. Our goal is to load web pages quickly. What are all the techniques we need to follow. Can anyone give me good suggestions, forums links or articles. Our platform is PHP, MySQL, Javascript, and AJAX. ...

How to prevent ENTER keypress to submit a web form?

I just want to know how to prevent a 'ENTER' key pressed to submit a form in a web based application. I need a detailed answer. ...

Project integration in Grails

I am doing a few tutorials and done some demo applications in Grails. Suppose I have more than one project made in Grails and I want to integrate all these projects in to a single application, how do I do it? For eg: I have made a 'To do list' and 'on-line examination' and now I want to create a new application that would incorporate b...

How do you spell check a website?

I know that spellcheckers are not perfect, but they become more useful as the amount of text you have increases in size. How can I spell check a site which has thousands of pages? Edit: Because of complicated server-side processing, the only way I can get the pages is over HTTP. Also it cannot be outsourced to a third party. Edit: I ha...

What procedures do you do before releasing web software?

I create a lot of websites that are fairly large database driven applications. The development time on these can be anywhere from 3 months to a year+. Given the variety of scripts and languages as well as the number of browsers used in web development, what sort of checklist or pre-launch procedure do you use to ensure nothing gets misse...

HTML 'container' tags - proper usage?

For some time I've been making websites, but have never really seen discussion of the proper usage of the container tags. I've seen any number of different types of content in the collection tags, but it usually seems that the page creator just picks a style they like and sticks with it. The main discrepancy in my mind is that between ...

Recommendations for dropdown menu items that are too wide?

What kinds of options do I have when a dropdown menu is faced with text that is so wide that extending the menu's width to accommodate is not feasible? i.e. It breaks the page layout, or just looks too ugly if the dropdown is adjusted to fit the long item. Truncation? Truncation plus full hover text? Don't allow items that long? Anyone...

Web-based printing solutions

Hello, I'm building a new web-based product. The problem is that many clients have specific printers to print specific documents. Just think reports,barcodes,invoices etc. All on a special printer with the right paper etc... Usually when printing from the web you cannot make the software choose a printer or change the settings. However ...

Huge web sites

Huge web sites such as facebook, and wikipedia, are they entirely programmed in php? Or do they use some other technology behind the scenes If you know about other huge sites, could you please add site name, url, and technology used? ...

Why won't haproxy capture my cookie?

I'm having trouble getting frontend cookie capture to work in haproxy. I have this in my config: frontend frontend [snip] capture cookie foo len 10 Then I use nc to talk directly to the server and send it: GET / HTTP/1.1 Cookie: foo=bar I get a log line, but there's a "-" where the captured cookie should be. ...

How to embed a Flash application into web site where application file is on a remote server

I’ve developed an Adobe Flex (v. 2) application. The application exists as a .swf file hosted on a web server. I have an html page hosted on a completely different web server (which is independent of the web server the .swf file is on). My question is how am I able to call the .swf file (that lives on the separate web server) from withi...

How do you specify what file in a directory will load up asp.net

Rudimentary folder structure: <root> ---<admin> ------index.aspx ------[other files] ---index.aspx When I navigate to mywebsite.com/admin/, all I get is a directory listing. How can I get it to load up index.aspx automatically? ...