
Alternative Asp.net designer/IDE?

Are there alternatives to Visual Studio 2008/Visual Web Developer Express for developing ASP.Net applications? ...

How bad is this code?

I have inherited an online quiz application written in C# with these lines of code all over the place. So how bad is this code? What are the potential issues I could run into? How could I improve it? The code: strTestPasses += "<tr valign=\"top\"><td><b>Subject</b></td><td>" + ((Hashtable)((ArrayList)((Hashtable)MultipleTestPasses...

Separating webdevelopment from webdesign

I'm a student of webdevelopment and I've got a question about the business (after school, finding a job and such). Now, my college has taught me several things and I've learned several things on my own. We constantly use XHTML 1.1, CSS 2.1, Javascript (mostly formchecking) and PHP, all our code must be W3C compliant (the online validato...

Best CMS for a corporate web presence?

I need a CMS for a corporate website. The corporation is a $200M company. We have a current site that's flash-based, but we'd like to replace it. It's not a very complex site at all, mostly brochure-like with press releases and management bios. I'd like a CMS that's fairly easy for a non-technical user, as our marketing department would...

What uses have you found for XMPP that help you as a web developer/manager?

To make my question clear: I'm experimenting with XMPP, lately - I have set up my own XMPP server and trying to figure out what uses could it have in our development process. Except the obvious things (we use it for IM-ing and have set up a group chat room for our team), we employ it as a notification platform for our issue tracking sys...

Starting an E-Business, need direction on choice of languages

I am considering starting an e-business, but I am undecided as to which language to choose to write the core of the website in. I would prefer to avoid the Microsoft route of ASP.NET and C# due the costs, and I also just prefer to develop on Linux :-) Basically, I was weighing up between using PHP or Ruby on Rails. Myself and my develo...

Best option for Wiki-like Text Editor to preserve original markup?

We have the need for a web-based wiki-like rich editor able to preserve original markup. At the moment a given custom markup is being converted to html for display and edit (allowing people to edit html in case of links and similar) then converted back to the specific markup when saving. This is obviously error prone and not ideal. A fi...

How do I accurately determine the location of a visitor to my website?

I need a consistent and reliable way to determine the location (state/province, country, etc) of a computer that visits my website, using any of the following: PHP JavaScript MySQL Any Web Services Something I haven't thought of? I'm am not looking for a locked-out 3rd party stats program such as Google Analytics. It's already in us...

SVN Merge changes made on FTP into working copy

We manage our web development using SVN. On one project, we deployed the site by Exporting the project and FTPing it to the client sever. This client is hands on and has made changes to the code on the FTP. We're hired to add more functionality to the site now. How can I take the work that's been done on the FTP and merge it into my ...

How to implement A simple AJAX call using asp.net page?

Hi, I'm trying to implement this specific example using asp.net page instead of asp page. If you look at the example you can see that there are 2 parts for the page: Mail asp page. This page have JS code that calls other asp file for AJAX use. the other asp page which holds the JS code. The responseText of the call is the client sid...

How can I use FTP to update my website from a Subversion repository?

I spent some time looking for an efficient way to update my website from a svn repository, but all I can find is to "svn update" directly from the web server, or use a pre/post-commit hook. Since I don't have ssh access to my web server, I can't really use "svn update", so I tested a pre/post-commit hook (svn2web) which was practical, b...

What are some ways to optimize your use of ASP.NET caching?

I have been doing some reading on this subject, but I'm curious to see what the best ways are to optimize your use of the ASP.NET cache and what some of the tips are in regards to how to determine what should and should not go in the cache. Also, are there any rules of thumb for determining how long something should say in the cache? ...

Simple Practical Usable PHP Logic for Recurrence

Befor I ask this question, I have a favor to ask, PLEASE don't down vote this question till it has some real answers.... PLEASE! I have submitted this previously as the following question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/579892/php-calendar-recurrence-logic but because someone down voted it and said it was already answered, noone w...

Under what conditions is a JSESSIONID created?

Hi, When / what are the conditions when a JSESSIOINID is created? Is it per a domain? For instance, if I have a Tomcat app server, and I deploy multiple web applications, will a different JSESSIONID be created per context (web application), or is it shared across web applications as long as they are the same domain? ...

How do I use python for web development without relying on a framework?

I know the various frameworks have their benefits, but I personally want my web development in python to be as straight-forward as possible: less writing to the framework, more writing python. The only thing I have found so far that lets me do this in the most obvious way possible is web.py but I have slight concerns on its performance....

Do you know good tutorial websites to develop a prePost in Tomcat?

We want to integrate a prepost rutine in our webserver (tomcat). A filter that will capture the post before sent to the user and add a line of code in the html before sent to the user. We are looking for tutorial or any help on this. ...

Making forms in Rails

So far I've built a simple form for a user using the form_for method to wrap around my user model. But if I'm going to create a form now which doesn't doesn't map directly to any particular model, should I still be using form_for? ...

Web Development .NET Best Practices

Are there other example projects like the Northwind Starters kit around that show you 'best practices' (layers, unit tests, mocking data, o/r mapping tools, ...) in architecture of ASP.NET development? Or links to good and clear resources or documentation? (MSDN is a good reference but no good as tutorial) are there example projects a...

In php how to do session instances?

I'm quite new on php and am trying to learn it. My question is rather simple but I've been a bit lost while googling for it. I just want to create an object to manage the database connection. I already did the object and now the problem I'm facing is: How do i keep it instanced to a session? (So that i don't need to open/close the con...

What SHOULDN'T Django's admin interface be used for?

I've been applying Django's automatic administration capabilities to some applications who had previously been very difficult to administer. I'm thinking of a lot of ways to apply it to other applications we use (including using it to replace some internal apps altogether). Before I go overboard though, is there anything in particular ...