
Microsoft Expression Web 2 experiences while programming VS studio 2005/2008

Have been programming with VS studio 2005/2008 making ASP.NET applications for a while. I am interested in experiences with Microsoft Expression Web 2 (strengths and weaknesses) ...

Why does Firefox display example1.foo when it should be displaying example2.foo?

I've setup Apache do create some virtual hosts. Specifically, I've added the following to my httpd.conf: NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName example1.foo DocumentRoot /www/example1 </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName example2.foo DocumentRoot /www/example2 </VirtualHost> This was worki...

Whats the best CMS/Website Starter kit for my project?

I need to build a company profile website, which will contain a gallery of images which this company designed before, and will contain the normal stuff, such as about us, contact us, menus for fast navigation, and also need to give this company a way to edit the site them selves, so which CMS/Website template you recommend for me? -Free ...

Why does Google Search return HTTP Error 403?

Hey guys, Consider the following Python code: 30 url = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=Monkey" 31 url_object = urllib.request.urlopen(url); 32 print(url_object.read()); When this is run, an Exception is thrown: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.0/urllib/request.py", line 485, in http_error_default raise HTT...

Minimize browser window using javascript.

Is there a javascript or jQuery method to minimize the current browser window? ...

Where do I put 'helper' methods?

In my Ruby on Rails app, I've got: class AdminController < ApplicationController def create if request.post? and params[:role_data] parse_role_data(params[:role_data]) end end end and also module AdminHelper def parse_role_data(roledata) ... end end Yet I get an error saying parse_role_data is not defined...

how to transition from traditional app development to web development?

I'm in a bit of a career quandry here. I currently live in an area of the UK which is reasonably good job wise for C++ desktop application developers (i.e like me) however my wife is being relocated to an area of the country which is near to a major tech hub of the country, but not near enough to commute on a daily basis (i've done 2 hr....

Do you believe the Firefox project should be forked into a developer targeted version?

I've just got this idea that there is a need for a forked version of Firefox that would provide right out of the box tools for web development. Like FireBug, YSlow, FireCookie, LiveHTTPHeaders, etc. Maybe the fork should only include those extensions or take a further step and implement them in existing chrome. The reason I'm thinking ...

Is Perl a good option for heavy text-processing?

I have this web application which needs to do several heavy text processing tasks: removing certain characters, parsing XML files, among others. Some of them involve regular expressions. The web application has some implementations in Java and others in PHP. Is it worth using Perl or other specific text processing language for such task...

Should I keep my site media in my website's repository?

I have a simple blog application written in Python, using Django. I use Git to version-control this website. The main content of the site is a blog. The blog entries are stored in a SQLite database (which is not version-controlled, but is backed up regularly); some entries contain images and other media (like PDFs). I currently store th...

What is the best windows backup solution?

After finding this question, What's the best linux backup solution? I'm wanting to know what the best backup solution for windows is? I have a web application which has a decent amount of content and pages that get updated frequently and I am currently backing it up by hand. Preferably, I would like to have it backup to a specified F...

Coding a website in C?

I was just reading the http://www.meebo.com/ About Us page, and read this line : "plus, we're one of the few still around using C!" Considering that meebo is an online chat client, how do they work with C? How can they use C for the backend? How does it interact with the frontend? For example, let's say a user creates a new account, and...

Has anyone used Data Dynamics Reports?

We currently use ActiveReports (by Data Dynamics, now Grape City) for canned reports, but are considering moving up to their Reports package. If you've used it, I'd love to hear your take on: Performance - do you feel it will scale well for a web based app (particularly compared with ActiveReports) Export to Excel - it appears to prov...

How to get your code ready for Loadbalancing

As we did this in the past, i'd like to gather useful information for everyone moving to loadbalancing, as there are issues which your code must be aware of. We moved from one apache server to squid as reverse proxy/loadbalancer with three apache servers behind. We are using PHP/MySQL, so issues may differ. Things we had to solve: Se...

Would C# be a good language to learn for Web Development?

Or plain old C. I have a sneaking suspicion that it may be more efficient in terms of resources. I know nothing of C or C#, this may be a completely stupid question but I've always wanted to get into programming proper. Does anyone here code websites in C? Does anyone know of any tutorials or books on the subject? UPDATE: I'm a web des...

Safely store credentials between website visits

I'm building a website which allows users to create accounts and access the site's content. I don't want users to log in each time they visit the site, so I'm planning on storing the username and password in a cookie -- however, I've heard this is bad practice, even if the password is hashed in the cookie. What "best practices" should I...

Web accessibility and h1-h6 headings - must all content be under these tags?

At the top of many pages in our web application we have error messages and notifications, 'Save' and other buttons, and then our h1 tag with the content title. When making a web application accessible, is it ever acceptable to have content above the top-level structure tag like we do here? ...

How to configure community server to make contact us page work?

I have a community server website, i have contact us page enabled in it, but for a reason i don't know its not working. But all notifications i receive on the same mail when some one send a comment on a post or forum. Any one can tell me whats the problem or how i can solve or configure? Thanks, ...

Need user to be able to download 2 files consecutively in a ruby on rails app

What is the best way to handle the need to a user to download 2 files. I'm using *send_data* to send the file to the browser. How can I allow the user to get two dynamically generated files from one request, OR what is a better alternative to do this. A simple example of what I'm trying to do is: def data_out output = "foo foo foo...

can't add .php mapping for php on iis6 in multi server environment

I have a multi-server environment ( all windows 2003 ). I manually installed php 5 on the appserver. I also plan to install mySQL on the appserver. on the webserver, which is DMZ'd, I added the php5isapi.dll extension under iis6 > web service extensions. I was able to do that by giving the unc path to the isapi dll on the appserver...