
How to make a one website for all devices, PC, iphone, blackberry, windows mobile android etc?

I want to make one website for all PC, IPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile (IE Mobile), Opera Mobile Browser etc. What thing need consider, avoid. I know Javascript is not much supported by mobile browsers and CSS media handheld is not supported by IPhone. ...

Simple Web Server and MVC framework for Java

Does anyone know of a simple Web MVC framework and Web Server for Java that is open source? This is intended as a simple web server and framework for students in a tutorial class. It's important these both the web server and MVC framework are simple, OSS so students can easily peer under the hood and the tutors can easily support it, l...

Best Practices in creating software appliances?

I have an application that a customer has asked us to package into a software appliance and wanted to find a list of all of the things that I need to consider. Stuff related to choosing the operating system is well-documented, but other aspects such as building usable web consoles, frameworks I should consider (the application is written...

Is it possible to get the favorites list from the browser?

Hello, Is it possible to read a user's favorites list using asp.net? ...

Should a web browser delete all `session' (expiry = 0) cookies on exit?

Everything I read about cookies says that setting the expiry time of a cookie to zero should make it a `session' cookie, which the browser will then delete upon exit. http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq/ says that : "...generally a session is the length of time that the browser is open for..." http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.se...

Architecture of stackoverflow.com?

Answered by the Blog entry: What Was Stack Overflow Built With? Duplicate: What was Stack Overflow built with? Does anyone know the architecture of stackoverflow.com? How does they implement it? Thanks a lot. ...

Does anyone know about an opensource list of most common error messages?

Does anyone know about an opensource list of most common error messages? My motivation for this question, although I am adept at writing code, English is not my mother tongue. And, such a list (somewhat, like all those free icons on the net) will shorten the last stages of my development, And good (and fun) error messages are part ...

Main security concerns in allowing users embed video

I wanna allow users to embed videos freely in the application in developing, but do not want to expose then and the application to malicious uses. With that in mind, what are the main security concerns (XSS, etc) in allowing users to embed videos from external sources, like YouTube, Vimeo, etc. In which way this exploits could be used? ...

Visual Studio and MySQL

I have been using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. Originally, I made a website with a MySQL back-end. Then I discovered the .Net web authentication, and moved to MS Access as I could, with some modification, make the web authentication work (but not all the features). For a future release of my site, I moved to MS...

Font licensing on the web?

I'd like to do nice typography on the web-- that is, fonts other than the limited set of "web safe" fonts. Reasonable choices (considering accessibility and SEO) seem to be Cufón or sIFR or maybe @font-face. Which approach has some blessing from font foundries? Are some foundries more web-friendly? I know there are free font houses, ...

How do you stop a web page from being zoomed from an iPhone ?

Some mobile web sites such as the BBC mobile website stop you zooming in on the main home page on an iPhone - how is this acheived. Is there a directive that has to be included in the HTMl code or something ? ...

'find . -exec chmod 700 "{}" \;' made sites Forbidden

I have been reading about Security of Design. I noticed a tip of lowest permission level. So I did the above code to my junk files. Unfortunately, the junk-folder seemed to contain some server files. A few sites become forbidden. The folder contained stuff such as "Mail", "dev" and "Public". The reason for junking them was that they are...

Get Specific Version of IE

Anyone know of a way to get your hands on a specific version of IE? Specifically, I am doing browser compatibility and originally developed for IE 6.0.3790.3959 (which most of our users have). Some of our employees that have IE 6.0.2900.xpsp_sp3_gdr.080814-1236 are having issues with some of our custom Javascript animation effects. I ...

Skills needed for a Web Programmer

I am planning to take an independent study course for my CS degree. I would like to focus it on aspects of web design/management and web programing. I have decent skills in, HTML, javascript, css, php, and msql. I would like to learn how to refine what I know and learn some other things required to excel in the web world. So what are...

Firebug "whitelist" mode

How do I get Firebug to do this: (from the Firebug website http://getfirebug.com/using.html) You can browse in two modes - either enable Firebug for all websites except those on the "blacklist", or disable Firebug for all websites except those on the "whitelist". How do I get the second option? I don't want Firebug running for every si...

Retrofitting record-level access restrictions in classic asp applications

Like the title says, I've been asked to come up with an estimate for retrofitting an existing asp application. The current security mechanism controls access to different parts of the application (page-level restrictions), but has no mechanism for flagging individual records as restricted. Assigning rights to a user (using the existing...

How to use onLoading event in grails remoteFunction

Hi, I am doing a web application in grails.In that I am using remoteFunction in gsp page.It is working now.In that in "onloading" event I want to call "showSpinner()" javascript function.My sample gsp code is : <div class="menuButton" onclick="${remoteFunction(action: 'index', controller: 'file', update: [success: 'ajax', failure: '...

Where can I find a good set of resources to build a 'Web 2.0' company from the ground-up?

Ok...before you balk at the title, I know it is very cliche but I used the term Web 2.0 because it will help you understand what I am trying to do - i.e. I want to build a company that builds web applications, or desktop applications that interact with 'the cloud', or some derivative thereof. So the question is, where can I learn all th...

Site URL change

hi guys I made a website the working url is www.iust-it.net/it and when i enter www.iust-it.net i recive undersonstruction thing how i can fix this to let the website open directly from www.iust-it.net Im using cpanel and Im a bigginer ...

Exception Driven Programming in Java

I just finished reading Exception Driven Programming and I'm wondering about something like ELMAH for Java. Did you know it? Interesting features: A web page to remotely view the entire log of recoded exceptions A web page to remotely view the full details of any one logged exception An e-mail notification of each error at the time it...