
Map Custom URL protocol to HTTP (using NSURLProtocol?)

I have an application using a WebKit WebView and I'd like to map URL's that are loaded in this WebView with a custom URL protocol to a different HTTP URL. For example, say I am loading: custom://path/to/resource I would like to internally actually load: http://something-else.com/path/to/resource In other words, the custom protocol se...

Mobile WebKit browsers - setTimeout and inactive pages

I have a question regarding how Mobile WebKit browsers (ie Mobile Safari and Android browser) handle setTimeout function when the page becomes inactive and is reactivated again. Let's assume the page becomes inactive (ie the phone screen goes to 'sleep' / we open another application / we open another webpage), and the setTimeout functio...

Page fully re-rendered event?

I'm altering the DOM tree in plain JS and need to know when the changes get fully rendered on screen (mostly care about document dimensions). window.onload=function(){ ss = document.styleSheets[0]; for(i = 0; i < ss.cssRules.length; i++) { ss.deleteRule(i) }; ss.addRule('p', 'color: red;') // ... many more // call so...

Can Qt's QWebView display programatically generated XML?

Using Qt 4.6, I can dynamically add to an HTML page like this: ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst("body").appendInside("<i>some text</i>\n"); However, if I QWebView::load() an XML file, it displays it with the correct CSS styling (from an processing instruction), but doesn't show any changes when I do somet...

Webview blank but content is there

I am having trouble displaying a webview. I have a webview inside a custom view. I load this custom view as a subview of the window, and then have an object controller linking a text field to the content of the web view. Once a page is loaded, it loads all the content, but it is visually white. You can click on links. If you go to a Yout...

How do I set "-webkit-transition-timing-function" with Javascript?

The title says it all... ...

How to remove cookies using CookieManager for a specific domain?

I know about the existince of CookieManager, but how do I remove cookies of a domain only? Can someone help me with some code fragment? ...

Get notified when objective-c dom updates are ready initiated from webview

I am programmatically updating the DOM on a WebKit webview via DOMElement objects - for complex UI, there is usually a javascript component to any element that I add. This begs the need to be notified when the updates complete -- is there any such event? I know regular divs dont fire an onload or onready event, correct? The other assumpt...

Printing a Webview == Clipped content after changing scaleUnitSquareToSize

I've used the code below to emulate Safari's ability to change the scale of a webpage: -(IBAction)changeScale:(NSControl *)sender { [[[[wv mainFrame] frameView] documentView] setBounds:[self originalBounds]]; [[[[wv mainFrame] frameView] documentView] scaleUnitSquareToSize:NSMakeSize([sender floatValue], [sender floatValue])]; ...

Webkit ignores vertical-align for inline-blocks containing line-boxes

When Webkit (Safari, Chrome) encounters an inline-block where... the line-height height is specified the content is rendered using multiple line-boxes ...the inline-block element ignores the specified vertical-align. To help illustrate the problem, I have a small test case: http://arther.net/lab/webkit-vertical-align-test.html#test ...

Print Stylesheet - Printed Page width Different in Webkit vs. Gecko/IE

When printing the page below in Safari/Chrome, the content (everything on the page, basically) is squished into the left side of the page, at about 60% of the page's width. However, in FireFox and IE 7, the printed page shows the content as the full width (and looks quite nice, imo). I resized all the layout elements to 100% width (usin...

iPad iPhone scale background images

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the iPad/iPhone scaling their background images down to fit the view port. In my case, I'm swapping out background images via javascript, and the new background images are super wide to fit large displays. However, the iPad is scaling down the background images that are added to the DOM via ...

Font alignment problem in webkit based browsers

Here is the code: <style type="text/css"> html, body {font:0.9em/1.2em arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;} #todayOn {background-color:#efefef; repeat-x top left;border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;border-top:1px solid #ddd;height:52px;margin:15px 0;} #todayOn #pageTitle {float:left;padding-left:3px;} #todayOn #pageTitle h2 {col...

Layering Cocoa WebView - Drawing on top?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1618498/webview-in-core-animation-layer The only other thread I can find is the above which doesn't necessarily fit my needs. Is there a reliable way to simply draw a view on top of a webview? I've tried to layer a regular NSView on top of WebView, and it draws right at first, but any movement in the w...

iphone configuration profile installed via webkit.

Good day! I am using Xcode 3.1.4 and iPhone SDK 2.2.1. I am creating an iphone application and i would need the user to download a custom configuration profile (created by me) from a URL loaded via webkit. I have tested the URL in safari and it downloads and installs the profile just fine. however, the url opened via webkit could NOT do...

Django + WebKit = Broken pipe

I'm running the Django 1.2 development server and I get these Broken Pipe error messages whenever I load a page from it with Chrome or Safari. My co-worker is getting the error as well when he loads a page from his dev server. We don't have these errors when using Opera or Firefox. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Frame...

Getting the size of an opening window in WebKit

Hi, I'm implementing a "WebKit Browser In An Application" which basically embeds WebViews in Qt widgets (we're using the WebKit browser instead of Qt's since it's stabler and more up-to-date). So far everything's great, until someone clicks on a link which invokes a Javascript "Window.open" function with a custom width and height for ...

Webkit browsers rendering CSS different than Mozilla Firefox...Why??

I'm styling a form that was already marked up (made some markup changes), and I normally work in Firefox to style so I can use firebug and the web developer toolbar. On this project, I noticed that my styles are displaying quite differently for one particular area (several elements) in webkit based browsers Chrome and Safari, than in Fi...

Mobile Specific Site Development. Where to start?

I'm beginning the process of learning the ins and outs of developing sites for mobile web browsers. Are there any good resources/communities online that discuss mobile specific site development issues? My initial understanding is that to cover different phones you need to build one site that is enabled for browsers with the webkit engi...

Hit detection on non-transparent pixel

Given a PNG in a web context with some transparent pixels and some non-transparent pixels, is there a way in Javascript to determine if a user has clicked on a non-transparent pixel? A webkit-only solution would be perfectly acceptable. ...