
Google Chrome extension: Use Javascript inside webkit notifications?

I have been following the Google Chrome Extensions Developer's guide and have been able so far to create an extension with a browser action without popup that would trigger a webkit notification in HTML format. Fact is that this HTML file contains action buttons, links and javascript, but none of them seems to respond. Is this a by-des...

Android::Webview removes scrollbar for a DIV

I made a small webpage with a scrollable div. When I load it in a browser, it works fine. But when I load it in a webview inside Android, it doesn't let me scroll the div. Is there a workaround for this or do I have to use a different design? I am talking about websites like this. ...

jQuery: using Append() with anchor links in WebKit(Chrome/Safari)

Been trying to add an image before the closing of the anchor tag: <body> <a href="http://www.test.com/"&gt;http://www.test.com/&lt;/a&gt; </body> If I use: $("a").append("<img src='testimage.png' /"); No image will appear in WebKit (Chrome, Safari, etc). Firefox and IE works fine. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance ...

getElementsByTagName returns 0-length list when called from didFinishLoad delegate

I'm using the Chromium port of WebKit on Windows and I'm trying to retrieve a list of all of the images in my document. I figured the best way to do this was to implement WebKit::WebFrameClient::didFinishLoading like so: WebNodeList list = document->getElementsByTagName(L"img"); for (size_t i = 0; i < list.length(); ++i) { // Manipul...

Should we deploy a Webkit browser for our intranet applications?

At my place of employment, we are increasingly finding it difficult to develop for IE, which was historically the easiest browser to target, from an intranet-app point of view. It was already deployed. It already understood NTLM authentication, thus well integrated with our domain-level security. It had neat, albeit non-standard featur...

Is there a summary of differences in rendering/behavior between QtWebKit and Chrome/Safari WebKit?

I wrote a simple Qt application (Windows+Mac) that uses QtWebKit to render a web site inside a window. But I already saw differences in layout and behavior between our app and Chrome (that uses WebKit as well), e.g.: - different fonts are displayed for the same web page - an html anchor link with "javascript:someFunction()" is not worki...

How to enforce webkit to use system APN proxy in Android?

I'm trying to force Webkit to use proxy definde in APN. My proxy configuration: APN: wap PROXY: PORT: 8080 USER: wap PASSWORD: wap` Currently all connections made by Webkit are blocked on firewall. Is there way to use proxy from phone profile? ...

How do I call javaScript from Objective C?

I'm developing a WebKit Safari Plugin with Xcode. How do I call JavaScript from -webPlugInStart? ...

Any articles on how to get started building your own browser?

Hello recently I've been a bit curious and wanted to make a browser. I'd like to use an existing engine though such as Gecko or Webkit. Are there any resources on the web for how to get started and any examples? Language choice doesn't really matter(but no VB please. That was the only example code I found) ...

HELP! How can I display one style in Safari and a different style in Chrome?

My client is starting to get antsy....so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having issues with my secondary page header images shifting. It is displaying correctly in Firefox, I haven't been able to check in IE yet w/out access to a PC. It was displaying correctly in Chrome, but shifting in Safari. I added the "webkit hack" ...

What does this C++ code mean

I was trying to understand how webkit parses urls, and I'm having a hard time making heads or tails of this: Vector<char, 4096> buffer(fragmentEnd * 3 + 1); This line is on line 1214 (you can see it here: http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebCore/platform/KURL.cpp#L1214). I get that it's making a vector of type char, with each ent...

KERN-EXEC 3 when navigating within a text box (Symbian OS Browser Control)

I've had nothing but grief using Symbian's browser control on S60 3rd edition FP1. We currently display pages and many things are working smoothly. However, when inputting text into an HTML text field, the user will get a KERN-EXEC 3 if they move left at the beginning of the text input area (which should "wrap" it to the end) or if they ...

Fact or fiction: Webkit’s rendering performance is much lower when used in Qt

Using Qt’s Webkit implementation renders much slower than directly implementing the Webkit engine -- is this true or just a myth? From my own experience, I found the load time of a complex page about twice as long in Qt’s “Fancy Browser” example as it does in Google Chrome (which also incorporates a port of Webkit), but I hardly think...

Qt: How can I receive events fired by QWebElement objects?

I want to receive notifications whenever links are clicked or text fields are changed in a Webkit instance in Qt. How can I hook up event listeners to a QWebElement? I know I can put some Javascript on each element’s onchange / onclick handler, but I’m looking for a cleaner solution. ...

Qt: How can I access the actual widgets on a page in WebKit?

Is there a way to access the widgets generated by INPUT and SELECT on a page in WebKit, using Qt? On a related note, does WebKit provide these widgets, or does it delegate back to Qt to generate them? ...

WebKit and Opera won't load from this server when it's in a frame

This site loads fine in Firefox, but in WebKit browsers (Safari and Google Chrome) it won't load the frame, and in Opera I get this error: "The Web site does not permit its content to be displayed in a frame. It must be displayed in a separate window.". I don't expect to be able to actually fix this, as I don't have control over the fram...

How can I load scripts, styles and images from a non-URL source?

I am integrating WebKit (via Qt) into an application. Instead of having WebKit retrieve scripts, CSS files and images via URLs, I want my application to provide them (e.g. retrieved from a database). For example, a "regular" web page may contain this tag: <IMG src="photos/album1/123456.jpg"> Instead of WebKit fetching this image fr...

Why do mozilla and webkit prepend -moz- and -webkit- to CSS3 rules?

CSS3 rules bring lots of interesting features. Take border-radius, for example. The standard says that if you write this rule: div.rounded-corners { border-radius: 5px; } I should get a 5px border radius. But neither mozilla nor webkit implement this. However, they implement the same thing, with the same parameters, with a differe...

Safari on the iPhone & iPad gives colour feedback on touch, I want to stop this.

Clicking on an element which has a Javascript handler makes the element go have a 'grey overlay'. This is normally fine but I'm using event delegation to handle the touchdown events of many child elements. Because of the delegation the 'grey overlay' is appearing over the parent element and looks bad and confusing. I could attach event ...

who wrote 250k tests for webkit?

assuming a yield of 3 per hour, that's 83000 hours. 8 hours a day makes 10,500 days, divide by thirty to get 342 mythical man months. I call them mythical because writing 125 tests per person per week is unreal. can any wise soul out there on SO shed some light on what sort of mythical men write unreal quantities of tests for large soft...