
Setting up a Vista laptop for development

ok, after some research here and there, it seems that the Dell XPS 1530 is a good laptop for .NET development. I had some questions, mainly about Vista and setting up a dev environment. Currently am working with XP, VS2008, SqlServer2005. This laptop comes with Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit. I have a copy of Vista Ultimate that I wou...

How to select a theme programmatically in Vista

A software package I'm working on installs its own Windows theme and as part of the install tries to make it the current theme. We managed to get this working on Windows XP with a great many registry edits during the install (a reboot applies the changes) but Vista seems to require even more reqistry changes. We also found that "runnin...

File Access from Excel COM object fails when run from NT Service on Vista

We use COM objects to access excel spreadsheets in an NT service (via the Windows Scripting Host). Prior to Vista, this worked beautifully, but starting with Vista, we receive this error: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'c:\myfiles\test.xls'. There are several possible reasons: • The file name or path does not exist. • Th...

File Security on Windows Vista with .NET Installer

I am trying to write an installer (by creating a .vdproj) that will work on both Windows Vista and XP. The only thing I am finding is that when I try to run it on Vista, the files that I include in the installer are installed with Read-only permissions for the Users groups. This is a problem because the application needs to read/write ...

Win32 console processes in VISTA - 10% CPU, but VERY SLOW

I have a Win32 console application which is doing some computations, compiled in Compaq Visual Fortran (which probably doesn't matter). I need to run a lot of them simultaneously. In XP, they take around 90-100% CPU together, work very fast. In Vista, no matter how many of them I run, they take no more than 10% of CPU (together), and ...

Animated "glow" in owner-drawn Progress Bar (ListView/DataGridView)

I've noticed that the bog-standard ProgressBar in .NET 2.0 (Winforms) does show up as the fancy animated glowing bar in Vista; however, using the ProgressBarRenderer (as one generally has to when trying to draw a progress bar in an owner-drawn list view, grid view, or other such control) just gives the visual style without the pretty ani...

How can I/O priority of a process be increased?

I want to increase the I/O priority of a process, both answers for .NET and windows vista would be nice... (or processexplorer is ok as well) ...

MDI child form maximize problem on Vista

I have a problem with a Winforms application written in Visual Studio 2005 (C#). It has a MDI main form with one maximized mdi child form. In Windows XP the child form is perfectly resized and maximized with the MDI Parent. With Windows Vista (Enterprise and Business) resizing works great, but when you maximize the MDI form the child fo...

C# When debugging I get "The requested operation requires elevation", why? It was OK yesterday!

C# When I try to debug my program today I get "The requested operation requires elevation" (Vista of course). Why today? I've not changed anything the reads/writes to the registry or hard drive, where should I look? Thanks ...

RegDelete cannot delete Registry key in WSH 5.7

Based on the advice provided at to prevent Windows Vista from "intelligently" rearranging column formats in Windows Explorer, I have written a script to automate the process a little. Dim WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Remove the "filthy" reg keys first. regKey = "HK...

SQL Compact Problem After Installing on Vista Client

I am trying to run an application that normally works when I install on XP, but it doesn't work when I install it on Vista. I am installing the prerequisite of .NET 3.5 SP1 and SQL Compact 3.5 included as part of the install but I still get this exception: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Ex...

Changing the MAC Address in Vista - Broadcom adapter

Is there a way that we could override the default mac address / set a new mac address on a Vista machine for a Broadcom adapter ? ...

Windows shortcut (.lnk) parser in Java?

I'm currently using Win32ShellFolderManager2 and ShellFolder.getLinkLocation to resolve windows shortcuts in Java. Unfortunately, if the Java program is running as a service under Vista, getLinkLocation, this does not work. Specifically, I get an exception stating "Could not get shell folder ID list". Searching the web does turn up ment...

How to draw procedural graphics in Vista Sidebar?

How do I draw procedural graphics in a Vista Sidebar gadget? I have a gadget that collects data over time and I want to draw animating graphs. My current approach is to draw the graph with VML that I update from JScript on a timer tick. Is this the best way? Can I return bitmap bits from a DLL function as the srouce to an <IMG>? E...

Catch "The program stopped working" on Vista ...

On Vista, I got a problem with the application crash handler. Basically, if something unexpected occurs which cannot be captured by SEH, I get this pop-up window with "The application stopped working", blablabla, "Close program/Debug program" -- that is, after I disable the error reporting using the system control panel. With error repor...

Disabling progress bar animation on Vista Aero

I'm using a Delphi 2009 VCL TProgressBar as a kind of "empty/full" gauge. On Vista, with Aero theme enabled, this has an animation associated with it, which is annoying and inappropriate for an gauge. Is there any way of disabling this (NOT by adjusting user's theme settings!) to prevent the animation on this control? Update: I under...

VS2008 only debug one page cycle

Hi guys, would really appreciate some thoughts on the following issue. When I attached to the w3wp.exe process. It start to load the symbols then the debugger stops before ever hitting a breakpoint. If I then restart the w3wp process and refresh “Attach to process” I can debug but only for one page cycle. I have reinstalled IIS7 on...

Converting winform from XP to Vista - Properties.Settings

I'm upgrading an app with many different settings files from XP to Vista and changing location of the files to use the Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) line rather than write to application path. There are values used in mannnny places from property settings. Those values are getting assigned from v...

XCOPY hosts file on vista from a batch file

I need a command to replace the hosts file on my machine. Seems pretty straight forward but I cannot get the command to work with xcopy. Any obvious flaws in the command? luaexec -w -f "XCOPY" "%ScriptPath%/ModifiedHosts/vista/hosts" "%windir%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts" /H The /R flag does not seem to help and the error I get is "Err...

Pros and Cons of developing .Net Solutions in Vista instead of XP

i am changing my hardware which currently runs Win XP and i am wondering if i should also upgrade my OS to vista. so my question is, what are the most common issues/advantages you find while developing in VS2008 on Vista. with out taking into consideration WPF. should i keep XP where i have no Problems? or what version of vista best fit...