
How do I search in files (for example in Java files) in Vista?

Is there a way or tool for Vista I can use to search for content in Java files? (I do not have an Eclipse project set up for it) I used to be able to do it easily in the windows search tool when I had Windows 2000. Edit: I have already enabled "search file contents" and added additional file types as recommended by xsl and Grant Wagne...

.NET ClickOnce and Vista start-up

We have some software we use internally which is released via ClickOnce from VS 2008. The app needs to run on everyones computer all the time so the obvious solution is to have it in the Start Up folder of their start menu. This works fine on XP machines. But, as was inevitable, people are moving to Vista. Now we're hitting a problem wh...

Win XP msvcrt crashes

Do any one know why an application that always ran on Windows XP now suddenly crashes the msvcrt.dll? There were only minor changes made to the threading classes, which was done under Vista in VC++ 6. For all our libraries to work we are Dynamically linking to the MFC dlls. A newer version of msvcrt does not solve the problem. Any i...

Console Application - Can't Catch Unhandled Exception

I have written a very simple C# Console Application which will open a Crystal Report, refresh it and save it as a PDF to a specified location. When running within VS2005 everything runs fine; the pdf file is generated as expected. When I copy the .exe to my root C: drive and run it from the command line I get a dialog box stating that "...

Help - Enabling ASP.NET for IIS7 on Vista is failing.

I am actually not able to install any windows feature through the "Turn Windows features on or off" dialog. I am trying to get ASP.NET working for IIS7 on Vista Ultimate. I also tried running aspnet_iisreg -i but got an unspecified error. I checked several places and none of the solutions worked. They mostly had to do with duplicat...

URL rewriting problems with ASP .NET 2 on IIS7 and Vista

I've got a website running under ASP .NET 2/IIS7/Vista. I have a URL rewriting module which allows me to have extensionless URLs. To get this to work I have configured the system.webServer section of the config file such that all requests are forwarded to the aspnet_isapi.dll. I have also added the URL rewrite module to the modules secti...

Is there a way to get Server 2008 to *appear* as Vista for installers?

I have a tool that I want to install on my main development box (Windows Server 2008). The installer tells me that it requires Vista. Of course I'm not saying Server 2008 is Vista, but I figure something that installs on Vista should be able to install on Server 2008. Is there some way (perhaps via a temporary registry change) to get a...

Detecting Vista IE7 Protected Mode with Javascript

I'd like to be able to detect Vista IE7 Protected Mode within a page using javascript, preferably. My thinking is to perform an action that would violate protected mode, thus exposing it. The goal is to give appropriate site help messaging to IE7 Vista users. ...

Editing Javascript for Vista Buttons

I generated drop down menus for my site in Vista Buttons. When it exports the buttons, they are in a .js file along with graphics files and .css to control everything. I did some extensive editing on the .css, and then decided to change all the .html extensions for the links that the menus are pointing to, to .php, because I am now usin...

How can I change features in Windows Vista programatically?

I'm looking for a way to programatically change features ("Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows Features on or off") in Windows Vista (and newer Redmond OS, e.g. Server 2008). Ideal solution would be in the form of a Powershell script (Get-Features, Set-Features), however any pointers to MSDN/other documentation would be very welcome...

Vista - GetForegroundWindow doesn't return correct process ID but parent process ID

Hi When I call GetForegroundWindow from c# I am getting the explorer parent process ID (I see this from process explorer) and not the process ID of the app that is in the foreground. Why is this and how do get the right process ID? Malcolm ...

How do I handle EndProcess events in a Vista Console app?

I have a console application. In XP, I can use SetConsoleCtrlHandler() to register a callback that receives CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, CTRL_C_EVENT and a few others. It works great. When the callback is called I can cleanup before I return from the call. Problem is, SetConsoleCtrlHanlder() is not supported in Vista. Now what? ...

Vista's IIS Instance doesn't have SMTP (Solutions?)

Presently, I am working on a project using classic ASP. My development machine is Vista Enterprise. Although Vista does allow you to have multiple Web Sites (not without a workaround in XP), it has removed the SMTP service from IIS. Is there a standard workaround for this issue? As more web developers at my company receive new machine...

Static memory allocation in Vista results in crash?

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express, and have a pretty annoying problem. It doesn't seem to happen in XP but in Vista I can't find a way around it. Whenever I declare variables non-dynamically, if their combined size exceeds about 30mb, the program will crash immediately at start-up. I know that Vista limits non-Win32 apps to 32m...

What is needed to setup a (personal) executable/code timestamp service?

We are using verisign's time stamp service currently, but every so often the time stamp server becomes unavailable - mostly due to our ISP failing. We now timestamp everything we build, even simple dev builds as we had a lot of trouble with Vista not running the unsigned/unstamped files properly. Can we setup a time stamp service to do...

Disable "Adjust Date/Time" in Vista Home Edition

My company has got quite a number of client laptops out in the field. These laptops are running Windows Vista Home edition. I was recently asked if I could find a way to disable the user's ability to adjust the system time. My first thought was to use gpedit, but as I found this is unavailable in home edition. I then looked for reg...

SVN says I need to perform cleanup, but the cleanup fails.

!!! This is not a duplicate question since the solutions offered in the other topics didn't work for me. When I try to commit: Error: Working copy 'D:\Webs\Drupal 6' locked Error: Please execute the "Cleanup" command. When I try to do a cleanup: Cleanup failed to process the following paths: D:\Webs\Drupal 6 Does anyone know how I c...

Visual Studio 2008 + embedded web server on Windows Vista

Hello all, OS: Windows Vista Business SP1 IDE: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Question: when I create a new web application in VS 2008 and start it, the embedded web server from VS 2008 launches on one port (say 50140). Then the browser (IE7) automatically launches with address http://localhost:50137/..., note the different port number. Obvio...

Best practices for formatting a message for MessageBox.Show(...) in Winforms for Vista

In XP/2003 I had become accustomed to writing my MessageBox.Show(..) code like this : MessageBox.Show("Title", "Sorry an error has occured!\n" + "You may want to try one of the following:\n\n" + "1. Reboot your machine\n" + "2. Buy a new machine\n" + ...

Getting absolute path from relative in Vista seems to fail using Win32/Shell PathCombine()

Hello all, Not sure if this is intended behavior or a bug or a wrong function that I'm using, but the problem is that PathCombine() returns a wrong path on a Vista box. The relative path is (as exported by the WMP to a playlist): ..\..\..\Public\Music\Sample Music\Amanda.wma The path it's relative to is: C:\Users\userX\Music\Playlis...