
Executing a Jar on Vista with a double click

This pretty much has me defeated. On XP and earlier versions of Windows you could customise Open With filetypes to include java - jar "myjar.jar", but on Vista this functionality seems to have been removed. I can of course create a .bat file to launch my application, but is it possible to make Vista execute a .jar as required? ...

Application Recovery

Have you used the Application Recovery APIs with vista? Do you find them to be reliable and easy to work with? I am reading through some of the docs and it seems rolling my own might be a better way to go because I can make my solution compatible with XP. Has anyone taken ...

Looking for a replacement for windows messages used in inter-process communication in Delphi

Hi a have a multithread application (MIDAS) that makes uses of windows messages to communicate with it self MAIN FORM The main form receives windows messages sent by the RDM LogData(‘DataToLog’) Because windows messages are used they have the following attributes 1) Received messages are Indivisible 2) Received messages are Queued ...

VS2008, IIS7 web project, non-admin. When?

What needs to happen before we can open Web Application Projects hosted in IIS7 with Visual Studio 2008 without running as Administrator? Are we talking about waiting for the next version of Visual Studio? Are there any existing workarounds? I think it's implied by the above, but this pertains to Vista. Thanks. ...

Does dual booting Linux and Windows Vista require special treatment?

I'm planning to install Linux on a computer that is currently running Windows Vista. Vista needs to remain functional after the install. I've been reading and it sounds like Microsoft changed the way Vista boots compared to previous versions of Windows. Preferably, I'd like to use GRUB to do the dual booting. Is there anything in parti...

How can I copy files with ASP.Net using Vista and IIS7?

I have a button on a website that creates a directory and copys a file. I developed it using Visual Studio 2008, ASP.Net 3.5. I am running Vista as my OS. The website uses identiy impersonation. The functionality doesn't work ("Access to Path XYZ is denied") when: I run the website via IE hitting the local webserver The functiona...

Why does my application allow me to save files to the Windows and System32 folders in Vista?

I have an application written in Delphi 7 which does not require an admin privilages to run. For some reason I am able to save files to c:\windows and c:\windows\system32 from within the application even though the application has not requested UAC elevation. I am logged in as an admin with UAC turned on and I haven't changed any of t...

TCP communication on Vista

Hi all, I have a very simple app I'm trying to get to run under TCP using WCF 3.5 on Vista Enterpise. The error I'm getting when trying to hit a WCF service at http://localhost:8080 (or any other port not reserved by http) is: TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Why is Vista64 using a 32bit cmd.exe by default? (machine-specific)

(I have this weird configuration problem at work, so I thought I'd give this site a try. My Google-Fu is failing me...) The situation: I need to convert our current development environment from XP 32bit to Vista 64bit (*). Naturally, I've run into plenty of places in our build system where hardcoded paths were problematic (e.g. "C:\Prog...


I've used MAPI to create emails with attachments from my application and it works very well on XP and Vista (without UAC). Of course, if you have UAC enabled, it just doesn't work (though it gives no errors, and doesn't prompt the user for permission to continue). I've done a bunch of reading and have found a lot of differing ideas: ...

What extra steps do you take when creating MSI installers for Vista?

I have a very simple Setup project that copies three dlls into the GAC. That's all it has to do. It works fine in XP, but on a Vista machine, it errors out stating that it cannot write to the file and to check permissions. I'm sure this has to do with some impersonation nonsense in Vista, but I'm not sure how to address it. Has anyone e...

how to do iis 7.0 CLEAN reinstall on vista?

Hello, I need to reinstall IIS 7.0 on Vista due to some unsolved configuration issues. I thought it was easy: I uninstalled all IIS-related stuff in Programs/Features, restarted system, installed all IIS modules again (installation cd wasn't needed) and hmm.. everything looks the same - I mean wrong. I see all configured websites, modul...

What programming language was Windows Vista programmed in?

Which programming language(s) were used to code Windows Vista? ...

What permissions does Network Service require on Vista / IIS7?

Doing some more tinkering with development on VS2008/Vista/IIS7, I'm wondering at a few things regarding the Network Service account. It had no issues running my website until I attempted to set up the Sql Role Membership Provider, which creates a local database in the App_Data folder. Somewhere in there, Network Service ran out of the p...

What could cause redraw issues on 64-bit vista but not in 32-bit in .NET WInForms?

This happens when compiling for Any Cpu as well as compiling to x86. Sections of the GUI doesn't redraw unless it's resized, for instance if the main form is maximized some of the controls don't resize with it, and others have sections that don't redraw and displays the what was previously there. This works fine on 32-bit machines, bot...

Unable to Connect to SQL Server 2005 Db From Vista x64 Windows Service

I'm trying to connect to a remote SQL Server 2005 db from a .NET Windows service running in Vista Home Premium x64. I can access the remote db from a console app with no problem. I can connect to a local db from the Windows service with no problem. I was able to connect from a service from XP with no problem. There's no firewall or anti-...

Debugging javascript in Safari for Windows

Is there a way to debug javascript using Safari 3.2 in Windows Vista? I found a link to a debugger named Drosera but I can't get it to work because the information seams to be outdated. ...

Visual Studio 2008 on Vista problems

Does anyone have any problems with VS2008 on Vista? For me every so often when I select items in the solution explorer the screen goes blank. No other application causes this to happen. ...

Access Denied to all SVN Directories

I'm trying to delete several working copy directories, but I get an Access Denied on all the SVN files, running as admin or normal user. I've killed the Tortoise cache process, and cannot figure what is wrong. Any suggestions? ...

Missing file from Vista ProgramData folder

I have a legacy VB6 program which installs an Access file in a sub-directory of the common data folder (CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA). I have now installed this program on a 64-bit Vista system, and the program works fine and accesses the file at C:\ProgramData\Wow\WowCat.mdb, but this file does not show in Windows Explorer. I want to overwrite...