I'm making an interface-website to update a concert-list on a band-website.
The list is stored as an XML file an has this structure :
I already wrote a script that enables me to add a new gig to the list, this was relatively easy...
Now I want to write a script that enables me to edit a certain gig in the list.
Every Gig is Unique ...
I'm looking to write some Javascript which will make an Ajax PUT or POST request to an HTTP server. I'm assuming that the information which gets passed as the argument to request.send needs to be in XML format. Could somebody shoe me an example of how to create this XML and pass it to request.send([Entity-body]) as the entity-body.
I try to follow the loading progress of big XML files (I'm not the provider of these files) in dotnet (C#, framework 3.5 SP1) : from 1 MB to 300 MB over a network file share.
I use an XmlReader for loading purpose instead of direct XmlDocument.Load method for speed up the loading process.
By the way I found nowhere on internet/doc...
i am using following code to convert xml file to datatable but its just creating multiple tables (but without data) and i want tables with data..
Dim myDS As New DataSet
Dim xmlStream As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~\xmldoc\result_availhotel.xml"))
I have got an XML document and trying to get the number of nodes that have a particular text using xpath. see xml below
count(//event_type) returns the number of event_type nodes but what I want is
the number of event_type nodes that have the Error text.
sorry for asking this question again but i didnt get much help on the last one (maybe due to the holidays or because my question was a bit confusing). im trying to load images from the "drawable folder" into a gridview. unlike the "hello android gridview" tutorial i dont know the name of the images being loaded into the gridview (as th...
I query the Azure tables using REST API and the response is transformed to xmldocument. Is there an easy way to convert this xmldocument to datatable without manually parsing the xml in code? I would know the schema for the table/entity only at runtime.
Alternatively, what would be the best way to display the azure table data in a grid ...
Let's say I have XML data that I just downloaded from a web app api.
How do I parse the data?
How do I populate each cell of a table view with this data?
I want to extract all comments below a specific node within an XML document, using PHP. I have tried both the SimpleXML and DOMDocument methods, but I keep getting blank outputs. Is there a way to retrieve comments from within a document without having to resort to Regex?
I need to send XML/HTML in an HTML email so that it displays unrendered. I'm using ASP.NET. What is the approach I should take?
So I have a photo viewer that I am creating to learn Silverlight and I want to be able to get all of the photos from flickr for a specific user/set. I see that I can easily get the information in an atom feed but I can't easily get the description as the atom feed combines the Title/description etc and outputs it as html. Is there any...
I've been trying to grab the Digg rss feed and parse its contents into a table as an intro to working with jQuery / XML. I took this webmonkey example and tried to customize it. Here is my js file:
// File: readXML.js
// Start function when DOM has completely loaded
// Open the students.xml file...
I am trying to make a simple grid view that is binded to a simple xml document but I must be missing something since I am keep getting error message:
The data source for GridView with id
'GridView1' did not have any
properties or attributes from which to
generate columns. Ensure that your
data source has content.
I've received help regarding this area but with a much simpler example:
<Backstory>The star-born celestial known as Andromeda is a stranger to Newerth. With no memory of her home or her people, she is driven merely by an innate sense that the hellbourne are vile and the mortal inhabitants of Newert...
Hey guys,
I have been extracting information from the iTunes App Store for the past couple of weeks using a script I found and modified. Everything was working fine until a couple days ago when I realized that no XML was being generated anymore. Here is the code for the script that generates the XML:
header("Content-type: text/pl...
I've been tasked with getting all the SMS updates from this page and putting them into a JSON feed using Yahoo Pipes. I'm not entirely sure how I would get each update, as they are not individual elements, but just a collection of title, etc. Any shared wisdom would be much appreciated!
From what I can tell, a SimpleXMLElement is just an array of other SimpleXMLElements, plus some regular array values if there wasn't a tag nested in another tag.
I have a SimpleXMLElement in a variable $data, and var_dump($data) gives me this:
object(SimpleXMLElement)#1 (33) {
string(4) "true"
I need to generate the following XML with SOAP:
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">39.99</ShippingServiceCost>
I'm trying to create a program which needs to access a web service. E.g. a mobile program that accesses a a super market service. How do I go about it?
I have to parse the content I get from the web and it can contain special characters. In this case the content string appears like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>test ž test</title>
When the contet above is passed to the method ch...