i have written a php code that will make use of one xml feed. This feed is used by about 12 functions for various calculations.So in each function i use simplexml_load_file to load the file.
Several functions are called in the same page to display variuos results depending on the variables passed.
I would like to know is there a way that...
I have an Xml file. It's format is as follows:
ControlType > Content > LocationX > LocationY > ForeColor/LinkColor > Int > Int > Int > Int
File example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Label Content="Double-click to edit." LocationX="583" LocationY="254" A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" />
<LinkLabel Content="...
I have dynamic generated XML files
I want to convert this xml files to table like this
-----SQL TABLE for Example1---...
I'm reading through the libxml2 API and examples on xmlsoft.com and having some real difficulty wrapping my head around the type system. For example, the _xmlAttribute struct has an xmlChar* field called name. This obviously refers to the name of the attribute (e.g., "bar" for the struct tied to the element <foo bar='baz' />). The _xmlAt...
Simply can I execute the following in xsl?
<xsl:for-each select="trip/instance[.!=''] and trip/result[.!='']">
Q: When I use select="" in for-each does it change the scope of my selector for the code I use inside for-each?
Is there a way to write a C program to convert say Dollar to Indian Rupee (or visa-versa). The conversion parameter should not be hardcoded but dynamic. More preciously it should get the latest value of Rupee vs Dollar automatically(from Internet) ?
hello friends,
this my xml file.
when i user clear()or del method it will clear all the child and a blank node is creating
How can i avoid creating this blank node
it will make problem when i use...
My Procedures
SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select * from '||i_tablename) into xml_data from dual;
doc := DBMS_XMLDOM.NewDOMDocument(xml_data);
DBMS_XMLDOM.WRITETOFILE(doc, 'XML_DIR/'||v_tablename);
My Table
1 xyz 23 01-JAN-00 2 [email protected]
2 - - - 23 - - - - - - - - - - [email protected]
xml out...
I'm trying to parse an XML file of tweets as retreived from Twitter's restful API (http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-statuses-user_timeline). The issue is, when I print it using:
tweetTextArea.text += xml..text;
I get the tweets. However, when I try the following, I get just numbers:
// Print all tweets.
for (var t...
I am looking at being able to extract all plain text and analyse/amend from HTML/XHTML document and then replace if needed. Can I do this using HTML::Parser or should it be XML::Parser?
Are there any good demonstrations that anyone knows of?
I have Finnish characters in my text (for example ä, ö and å) that are unsafe in XML, is there any library/framwork for this purpose?
Hi, I am currently doing an A level computing project, in which I need to parse XML and put the elements into an array. I am using JavaScript in Dreamweaver and the final application will be run in AIR. I am having a hard time understanding the code in this answer to another question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649614/xml-parsing...
Hi all,
I'm sure this is a very basic XML question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. What is the most commonplace way of referring to a particular XML node at multiple other places inside the same XML document?
For example, consider a document like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<author id="john">
I have frequent problem in android view, Error parsing XML: unbound prefix on Line 2.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/myScrollLayout"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
<TextView android:layout_height="wrap_content" a...
I have written pure JavaScript front ends before and started noticing performance decrease when working with large stores of data. I have tried using xml and json, but in both cases, it was a lot for the browser to handle.
That poses my question, which is how much is too much?
I have an XML document from which I need to extract a nodeset and add a namespace. So, from a doc I extract this:
<SomeData>Here is some text</SomeText>
<SomeData>Here is some more text</SomeText>
and need to create this:
<my:List xmlsns:my='http://SomeNames...
i am desperatly trying to use the following library : ofx4j. But the documentation relative to parsing an ofx file is a bit lite. It says : If you've got a file or other stream resource, you can read it using an instance of net.sf.ofx4j.io.OFXReader
Ok but how do i do ?
It also states the following: if you want to unmarshal the...
I have a large XML file (600mb+) and am developing a PHP application which needs to query this file.
My initial approach was to extract all the data from the file and insert it into a MySQL database - then query it that way. The only issue with this was that it was still slow, plus the XML data gets updated regularly - meaning I need to...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
<!DOCTYPE pasaz:Envelope SYSTEM "loadOffers.dtd">
<pasaz:Envelope xmlns:pasaz="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<loadOffers xmlns="urn:ExportB2B">
<offers />
I've a XML file with the contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<job xmlns="http://www.sample.com/">programming</job>
I need a way to extract what is in the <job..> </job> tags, programmin in this case. This should be done on linux command prompt, using grep/sed/awk.