
Publishin data from sql server in web

Hi friends! I'm developing small application for my colleagues, I have some procedure on SQL Server, which returns XML. And I'd like to publish this XML on the Web server. I think that should exist easy way to do it, but I can find it. I have the following setup: SQL Server 2005 Standard IIS 7 Windows Server 2008 best regards ...

Getting XML attributes with Load() in JQuery

Hi there. I have this code, which works: $('.invest-port-thumb a').mouseenter(function() { $('#slider-name').load(this.href + ' cName'); }); Loading this XML: <fragment> <cName cind="Industrial" stat="Active">ABC Company</cName> <hq>Chicago, IL</hq> </fragment> How should I modify this code to load the ci...

Android Edittext question, replace keypad enter with done.

Hi Guys, I'm defining an edit text like so... <EditText android:id="@+id/user" android:layout_width="200px" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Username" android:textSize="18sp" android:gravity="center" android:layout_x="64px" android:layout_y="140px" > I'd like to replace the "enter" button that appears on the keypad...

Extracting Multilevel XML using Perl

hi all, I have a XML file as follow: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE PubmedArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMedArticle, 1st January 2010//EN" "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/DTD/pubmed_100101.dtd"&gt; <PubmedArticleSet> <PubmedArticle> <MedlineCitation Owner="NLM" Status="Publisher"> <PMID>20555148</PMID> ...

problem with actionscript 3 and xml

Hi, I accidentally stumbled into using flash for a project where php wasn't an option, unfortunately I've come to a point where i need to edit a little actionscript and it's beyond me. the xml looks like this (i know it's stupid but it's already tied into some php parsing functions that would be irritating to rewrite!) <project> <proj...

How do I convert an XML RSA key to a PEM file?

I have two XML files, structured as follows: My Key <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus> ... </Modulus> <Exponent> ... </Exponent> <P> ... </P> <Q> ... </Q> <DP> ... </DP> <DQ> ... </DQ> <InverseQ> ... </InverseQ> <D> ... </D> </RSAKeyValue> A Public Key <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus> ... </Modulus> <Exponent> ... </Exponent> </RS...

how to include a view created in a xml file on my main layout

Hi I want to create a grid of images with text right below the images. I created in a xml file a image_text item which basically is a linearlayout with and imageview and a textview right below. I created a tablelayout and I want to add my custom image_text.xml to the table row. But I dont know how to reference my xml file inside. If ...

Java: Changing an xml node name without using renameNode()

Hi, I've been renaming xml nodes using the document.renameNode() method: Document document = loadXml(xml); NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName("Entry1"); for (int i=0; i < list.getLength();) { document.renameNode(list.item(i), "", "Entry"); } However, the Java version I'm deploying to (1.5.0_09-b03) doesn't suppor...

Magento: How do I put widgets into a layout xml?

I am using Magento Enterprise Edition. It includes a widget for banners, which I want to use inside of my template, rather than from inside of a CMS-run content block. I succeeded in generating the output from inside of a content block: {{widget type="enterprise_banner/widget_banner" display_mode="fixed" rotate="series" banner_ids="4" t...

$.get code not working in IE (JQuery)

Hey all.. I have this code, loading XML documents on mouseenter, which works in Firefox: $(document).ready(function() { $('.invest-port-thumb a').mouseenter(function() { $.get(this.href, function(response){ var cName = $(response).find("fragment cName"); var cind = $(response).fi...

inserting newlines in xml file generated via xml.etree.ElementTree in python

I have created a xml file using xml.etree.ElementTree in python. I then use tree.write(filename, "UTF-8") to write out the document to a file. But when I open filename using a text editor (vi on linux), there are no newlines between the tags. Everything is one big line How can I write out the document in a "pretty printed" format s...

[SOLVED] getElementsByTagName object required? Really stuck!

Trying to do a basic XML retrieval. The code works as expected in Firefox and Opera, meaning it alerts with the text value of the "title" node from the XML document. But in IE7, I am getting "object required" from this line. x=xhttp.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; alert(x); Btw, it was wor...

[Flex]Static XML files are not exported when, building the Project

I am doing a video library. Each category has it's own XML files that feeds it data. Everything works great. However, when I Exported the Release Build. I noticed those XML files are gone(i.e. never got exported). I don't understand why. I need the video library to be dynamic so I can add or remove videos. Anyone know why those files a...

XML Serialization with FSharp

I'm a total FSharp n00b, so I hope i give you enough information. I created a class called record. I create several instances of this class with data from our database. I then add each record to a list of records. i want to make an xml document with those records. //this is the record data type i created. I also created a sender and rec...

Google Chrome renames file .xml to .download

hello. i have this very simple download page to get an xml file. the script works ok in firefox/IE. but chrome renames the extension of the file to ".download". and this happens only to .xml, when you use another extension like .txt it does it without problems. the body of the html is this: <body> <a href="down.php">descarga</a> </bo...

XmlSlurper namespaces not being used

I have an XML template document: <TriadMessage xmlns="http://www.myco.com/02/11/2008/V1/TriadMessage.xsd" xmlns:triad="http://www.myco.com/02/11/2008/V1/TriadTypes.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > <TriadRouteInfo> <triad:RoutingCorrelationId>new value goes here</triad:RoutingCorrelationId...

XML Query Converting Group by field to child elements

I want the following query to return the fields in a parent child format. Is this possible? Here's the query SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM ATable GROUP BY Field1, Field2, Field3 ORDER BY Field1, Field2, Field3 FOR xml auto Here's what I would like to get back (doesn't...

How to Copy a Node from XML without copying a child of that node using XSLT?

I have a huge XML that i need to work on, but i only need a node of the several in the root. The problem is that, in that node, i got one child that need to be remove. Anyone care to explain if this is possible and, if it is, how can be done? This is a sample of the XML that i got: <XML> <Properties> Contend </Properties> <Eve...

Best way to handle light weight (skeletal) representation in web service XML schema?

I'm new to the whole web service space, so pardon the question if it seems stupid or obvious! I have a number of entities that can be provided by a new web service that I am creating. Some of these entities are composed of very large graphs of objects. However, at times the client will want to search for some of these entities and...

Android multiple stroke box in drawable xml

I'm trying to achieve what amounts to effectively 2 strokes on a rectangle in a <shape> element in an android drawable xml. A dark green outer line and a light green inner line, with a gradient fill in the center of it all. My code currently looks like this: <layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"&gt; ...