I blame the Google Search Appliance for making me ask this question.
Here is a snippet of the XML returned by the Appliance:
<GSP VER="3.2">
<PARAM name="entqr" value="0" original_value="0"/>
<PARAM name="access" value="p" original_value="p"/>
<PARAM name="output" value="xml_no_dtd" original_value="xml_no_...
I am using watij to automate my UI testing. I have many tables in a webpage. I need to find a table which has a width 95%. It contains many rows. I have to find each row with different text say "running first UI test on local" as below adn need to get the td value "Complete". I am not ble to get the value but I get the watij address...
I'm having a problem with a xsl transformation on a extended xml JUnit report file. I've extended the file as follows:
<testcase classname="net.luminis.osgitest.test.adhoc.AdHocTest" name="testGetExportedPackagesByPackage" osgi-vendor-name="felix/1.8.0" time="3.212">
<osgi-spec version="4.1">
I have an app in which the user can change the background image of their profile page. Therefore, I wasnt to assert that, when the user changes the image, the image actually changes. I can't for the life of me figure out a css selector or xpath to do the job. This is the HTML I have:
<body style="background:#FFFFFF url(/uploads/i...
Mine is a general question on XML parsing practices.
Lets say we have an XML document, and we use XPath to get some node from that document:
XMLNode node1=XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("/SomeNode/SomeOtherNode");
Now n contains the data of SomeOtherNode. Intuitively I'd expect the following line of code:
XMLNode node2=XMLDoc.SelectSingleN...
I have the following Xml structure; Payment/Line which has amongst its element a IsFeePayment and a IsServiceProduct elements of type bool.
i want an xpath statement that returns 'true' when both of t...
I'm defining an xml schema for a file that looks something like this:
<config><segmentcount value="10"/></config>
<segment data="X"/>
<segment data="X"/>
<segment data="X"/>
<segment data="X"/>
There is an XML file with exchange rates http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml:
<gesmes:subject>Reference rates</gesmes:subject>
<gesmes:name>European Central Bank</gesmes:name>
<Cube time="2009-11-26">
<Cube currency="USD" rate="1.507...
I'm using the COBRA HTMLParser but haven't had luck parsing one particular tag. Here's the source:
<li id="eta" class="hentry">
<span class="body">
<span class="actions">
<span class="content">
<span class="meta entry">Content here
<span class="meta entry stub">Content here
I was using Cobra until now because of how easy it was but unfortunately it had some problem with a few test cases. Does anyone suggest a tried-and-tested library?
I've tried Cobra's built in one and HTMLCleaner without any luck.
The following xpath query gets nodes except where the ancestor is a particular type:
However, I want to be able to exclude all nodes that have an ancestor that is in the clpm namespace.
Can't work it out guys, any ideas?
I am using the Xerces implementation within JDK6 to perform XPath queries on an HTML 4.0 transitional document. With the following code:
XPath newXPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
XPathExpression xpathExpr = newXPath.compile(expression);
Object xPathResult = xpathExpr.evaluate(inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);
In answer to a previous question, several people suggested that I use BeautifulSoup for my project. I've been struggling with their documentation and I just cannot parse it. Can somebody point me to the section where I should be able to translate this expression to a BeautifulSoup expression?
Using this source document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Element1 id="UniqueId1">
<Element2 id="UniqueId2" AttributeToCheck="true">
var assets1 = data.SelectNodes("//asset[@id]=" + oldBinaryAssetId);
var assets2 = data.SelectNodes("//Asset[@id]=" + oldBinaryAssetId);
Is it possible to make 1 xpath query of the two above?
I'm querying a Twitter RSS feed and supplying the results into a Repeater for display. I'd like to only get the first 5 results of the XPath query. Is there a way to do that in the XPath syntax or do I have to loop over the resulting XmlNodeList to pull out the first 5?
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlTextReader reader = new Xml...
I am currently trying the following xpath
//tr[normalize-space(td/text())='User Name']
to get all the tr that contains a td that contain 'User Name' or 'User Name' or ' User Name ' but its not working and I don't know what is wrong with the query :(
the data i want to find is in the following format
<tr><td>User Name</td></tr>
How can the whitespace at the start and end of the content of an XML element be removed when binding to the element using XPath in WPF?
I have a button in a repeater that needs to bind XPath data to an argument
<asp:Repeater ID="DVDRepeater" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1">
<img src='images/products/<%#XPath("image")%>' title='<%#XPath("@name")%>' alt='<%#XPath("@name")%>'
Hi folks,
is there a XPath function, which returns the absolute path of an element, so I can use it in sth. like:
<xsl:if test="path() = /root/parent/child">