I have an interpreter written in Java. I am trying to test the performance results of various optimisations in the interpreter. To do this I parse the code and then repeatedly run the interpreter over the code, this continues until I get 5 runs which differ by a very small margin (0.1s in the times below), the mean is taken and printed. No I/O or randomness happens in the interpreter. If I run the interpreter again I am getting different run times:
I have tried to no avail the server and client VM, the serial and parallel gc, large tables and windows and linux. These are on 1.6.0_14 JVM. The computer has no processes running in the background. So I asking what may be causing these large variations or how can I find out what is?
The actualy issue was caused because the program had to iterate to a fixed point solution and the values were stored in a hashset. The hashed values differed between runs, resulting in a different ordering which in turn led to a change in the amount of iterations needed to reach the solution.