I'm very new to flash and actionscript 3. I've been reading a lot about it and this is also my first aprouch on object oriented programming.
So far, I created an application with a login button, that's all. However, I would like to know what kind of things I am doing wrong or should be doing different (or better). I am using Adobe Flex Builder 3.
The main actionscript file is Client2.as:
//import required libraries
import flash.display.Sprite;
//set project properties
[SWF(width="800", height="600", frameRate="31", backgroundColor="#C0C0C0")]
//launch main class
public class Client2 extends Sprite
public function Client2() { //the constructor
trace("Client launched.");
var loginGui:LoginInterface = new LoginInterface(); //load the login interface object
loginGui.init(); //initialize the login interface (load it)
addChild(loginGui); //add login gui to the display tree
It is loading the login interface object. Is that a good thing, and am I doing it the right way?
Then there's the LoginInterface.as class file:
//import required libraries
import flash.display.Sprite;
//the LoginInterface class
public class LoginInterface extends Sprite
public function LoginInterface() //the constructor
trace("LoginInterface object loaded.");
public function init():void //initialize the login interface (load it)
trace("LoginInterface init method was called.");
var loginButton:CustomButton = new CustomButton(300, 300, 100, 30, 3, 18, "Login!"); //create a new custom button
addChild(loginButton); //add the custom button to the display tree
What about that? Any comments? To make the creation of simple buttons a bit easier, I then created another class file called CustomButton.as -->
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
public class CustomButton extends Sprite
public function CustomButton(xLoc:int, yLoc:int, width:int, height:int, iLabelOffset:int, fontsize:uint, label:String)
//create new simple button instance
var myButton:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
//create the look of the states
var normal:Sprite = new Sprite();
normal.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
normal.graphics.drawRect(xLoc, yLoc, width, height);
//the mouseover sprite
var over:Sprite = new Sprite();
over.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
over.graphics.drawRect(xLoc, yLoc, width, height);
// assign the sprites
myButton.upState = normal;
myButton.downState = normal;
myButton.hitTestState = normal;
myButton.overState = over;
//add the button to the display tree
//create button label
var tText:TextField = new TextField();
tText.mouseEnabled = false,
tText.x = xLoc;
tText.y = yLoc + iLabelOffset;
tText.width = width;
tText.selectable = false
var Format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
Format.font = "Arial";
Format.color = 0x000000;
Format.size = fontsize;
Format.bold = false;
Format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
tText.defaultTextFormat = Format;
tText.text = label;
Is there anything to comment on this? I am sure that I'm doing a lot of things wrong, maybe I didn't really get the whole object oriented thing? Also, I have a bad feeling about the way I am using the "extends ..." after a class declaration, mainly because I'm just using Sprite all the time and don't really understand why or what it does (having trouble finding out on the internet aswell). Another thing I am unsure about is the naming of variables in AS3. Should I really be using names such as xLoc, or iLabelOffset? I think I am not being very consistent in my variable naming atleast?
I hope someone can give me a push to a better track than the one I am on now, as I am sure that I should improve my AS3 coding before I continue working on this beast.
Thanks a lot.