



Here's the grammar, which is supposed to describe a language of nested braces with commas as delimiters:

L ::= {L} | L,L |

A few more examples of strings I'd expect the grammar to accept and reject:




+4  A: 
John Kugelman
Right on, now I feel stupid. Thanks!
Can't think of a way to derive `{{},}` from this grammar
Johannes Schaub - litb
@litb: the outer {} is the first rule {L} the {}, is firstly second rule L,L with the first of those {} and the second empty.
Simeon Pilgrim
@Simeon, yep it works now with the updated grammar :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
nod, I only just clicked you where meaning JK's grammar vs. wkf's my bad.
Simeon Pilgrim

First of all, that grammar won't accept your first example, since it requires the commas to be after the close brace and before the open brace. I would suggest to re-write it as

L::= {L} | ,L

This won't get rid of the left recursion, but it will at least match your acceptable answers.

Not true. His grammar will accept `{,}`, where the ',' is produced by L1=L2,L3 with L2 and L3 being empty.
John Kugelman
Your right - I didn't realise that that was the point of the empty rule at the end