Hi guys,
Ive just bought a Rainbowduino to control a load of individual LEDs (NOT an RGB matrix). All the documentation so far is aimed towards controlling RGB arrays which is not what I'm after.
If youre unfamiliar with the Rainbowduino its an Arduino clone with 24 constant current channels of 120mA, 8 super source driver channel of 500mA each and a wide output voltage adaption from 5V-12VDC. Perfect for driving LEDs. The product webpage is here: http://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/?page_id=187
Ive connected up 16 LEDs and want to be able to turn each one on and off individually with digitalWrite(). Ive uploaded some demo code to the board which isnt really working. Ive worked out that the 8 driver source channels are easily controllable with digitalWrite() on pins 3-11. However controlling the other 24 sink channels is more difficult. Apparently they are controlled by 3 shift registers (one each) which I can only access with shiftOut. Ive got no idea how this works. Can somebody help point me in the right direction?
Half the LEDs are wired into Blue 1-8 and the other half are wired into Green 1-8. The positive legs are wired into VCC1-2 which have been set to HIGH. Im confident the circuit is wired up correctly, its the programming im having issues with.
Ive looked over the sample code which is shipped with the Rainbowduino but I cant make make sense of it. Can anybody help?