




I am facing some problems converting the PHP SQL insertion code below to ASP, I want to use the same concept in ASP, because it is more flexible, not tied to ASP owned keywords.

Wonder if anyone can help ASP newbie here.

$table = 'tbluser';
$array = array (
     'name' => $name,
     'email' => $email,
     'ip' => $remoteIP
$newid = insert_query ($table, $array); 

  function insert_query ($table, $array)
    global $mysql_errors;
    $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' ';
    foreach ($array as $key => $value)

      $fieldnamelist .= '' . '`' . $key . '`,';
      if ($value == 'now()')
        $fieldvaluelist .= 'now(),';
        $fieldvaluelist .= '\'' . $value . '\',';

    $fieldnamelist = substr ($fieldnamelist, 0, 0 - 1);
    $fieldvaluelist = substr ($fieldvaluelist, 0, 0 - 1);
    $query .= '' . '(' . $fieldnamelist . ') VALUES (' . $fieldvaluelist . ')';
    $result = mysql_query ($query);
    if (!$result)
      $message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error () . '<br>';
      $message .= 'Whole query: ' . $query;

    $id = mysql_insert_id ();
    return $id;

it's classic ASP. No choice, company still need to maintain this for a specific project.

The main reason I want this specific code style in ASP is because I don't want to tie to the ASP style of querying database (using cmd and etc...)

By creating array collection with key(table fieldname) and value, then convert into a full sql string, I only need to run .execute(sql) , it means in future I can more easier convert the project to other framework, without needing to rewrite the way to insert/update data into DB.


I guess a simple rewrite would not help you that much as you need to establish a DB connection, handle errors, etc.

I would recommend you have a look at ajaxed library which offers you a db.insert() method .. which I believe does the same as the method you require.


which asp you are asking about? asp.NET or classic asp?

classic asp is quite similar to php. You can start by looking how ODBC works.;s=books&amp;qid=1248069991&amp;sr=8-3

However, don't invest your time too much in classic ASP. It's going to RIP soon.

hope it helps.

+2  A: 

Not exactly the same, but here are some functions I've used in ASP classic sites.
I think it should be a good starting point for learning.

Function AddUser(Name, Email, IP )
    dim sqlstmt
    sqlstmt = "INSERT INTO tbluser (Name, Email, IP )"
    sqlstmt = sqlstmt & " values (?, ?, ?)"
    call RunSQL( sqlstmt, array( _
        mp("@Name", adVarChar, 100, Name), _
        mp("@Email", adVarChar, 100, Email), _
        mp("@IP", adVarChar, 100, IP)))
end Function

Function RunSQL(strSqlStmt , params())
    On Error resume next

    ''// Create the ADO objects
    Dim cmd
    Set cmd = server.createobject("ADODB.Command")

    ''// Init the ADO objects & the stored proc parameters
    cmd.ActiveConnection = GetConnectionString()
    cmd.CommandText = strSqlStmt
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
    collectParams cmd, params

    ''// Execute the query without returning a recordset
    cmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords
    If err.number > 0 then
     exit function
    end if

    ''// Cleanup
    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing

    Exit Function

End Function

Private Sub collectParams(cmd , argparams())
    Dim params , v
    Dim i , l , u

    params = argparams

    For i = LBound(params) To UBound(params)
        l = LBound(params(i))
        u = UBound(params(i))

        ''// Check for nulls.
        If u - l = 3 Then
            If VarType(params(i)(3)) = vbString Then
       If params(i)(3) = "" then
                                    v = null
        v = params(i)(3)
       end if
                v = params(i)(3)
            End If

     If params(i)(1) = adLongVarChar Then
                Dim p ''// As New Parameter
                Set p = cmd.CreateParameter(params(i)(0), params(i)(1), adParamInput)
                p.Attributes = adParamLong + adParamSigned
                If Not IsNull(v) Then
                    p.AppendChunk v
                    p.Size = Len(v)
                    p.Value = v
                    p.Size = 10000
                End If
                cmd.Parameters.Append p
                cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(params(i)(0), params(i)(1), adParamInput, params(i)(2), v)
            End If
            RaiseError m_modName, "collectParams(...): incorrect # of parameters"
        End If
End Sub
Eduardo Molteni