What is the best way to precompile JSP files in Websphere (6.1)?
I have looked at other questions related to JSP precompilations, but as each AppServer has specific settings, I would like to know specifically a solution for Websphere.
I found some references in the net to edit the file ibm-web-ext.xmi:
Add the following line before the line
xmi:id="JSPAttribute_2" name="disableJspRuntimeCompilation" value="true"/>
# Run the JSP batch compiler.
WAS_installDir/bin/JspBatchCompiler -ear.path /mytmp/WC_jbweb1.expanded.ear -webmodule.name Stores.war -compileToWebInf true
I am looking for some solution to precompile JSP's on deployment and not using the batch compiler.