



The accepted answer to the question

accurately describes how to set command-line arguments for a given project: "In VS 2008, right click the project, choose properties, go to the Debugging section -- there is a box for command line arguments."

That's great, I see it on my existing projects, and it works. But we build our .exe, with debug information, outside Visual Studio (external makefiles, though with cl.exe and link.exe from Visual Studio). And each time we clean, we get rid of the VS solution and opening the .exe creates a new one without the command-line arguments that were saved as properties in the previous version of the solution.

How can we tell Visual Studio to use a particular set of command-line arguments for all new solutions that it creates from .exe files?


  1. We are actually using VS2005, and currently with VS6's cl.exe and link.exe. When we update our makefiles for VS2008 cl.exe and link.exe, we may well move to VS2008, but we will still compile and link using an external makefile set. I mention this in case anyone wonders why we need persistent command-line arguments.

  2. The command-line arguments we're interested in setting as permanent defaults are:

    | tee log.txt

so that console output will go both to the screen and be saved in a file. I mention this so that you know what our real objective is, in case there's some totally other way to do it.