



Bing has been around for more than 2 months now.There has been some positive reviews about bing. Some experts in search areas have pointed out that Bing results are more relevant than Google's since its index is still not cluttered with unnecessary garbage. Does these claims have any truth behind them ?


I wouldn't say that's very accurate. In many of the searches I've tried, either Google has provided more relevant results or it was a tie. In a couple of cases, Bing did return better results, but not enough to say that it beats Google overall.

Craig Martek
"closed as not programming related by akf, Brian R. Bondy, Marc Gravell"Go through these questions tell me how are these Questions related to Programming. Please donot close the question only because you donot like it.
@Duleb, the three questions you mention are all programming related. Yes they are fun but still programming related. Your question is about a search engine and as such not programming related. Interesting, yes, but not programming related.
@Gamecat Yes maybe you are right. But do one thing. Search for "programmers" at stackoverflow and go through the questions that turn up. Some of the questions , which draw lots of attension , are just ridiculous.