In ARM you may already have saturated arithmetic built-in. The ARMv5 DSP-extensions can saturate registers to any bit-length. Also on ARM saturation is usually cheap because you can excute most instructions conditional.
ARMv6 even has saturated addition, subtraction and all the other stuff for 32 bits and packed numbers.
On the x86 you get saturated arithmetic either via MMX or SSE.
All this needs assembler, so it's not what you've asked for.
There are C-tricks to do saturated arithmetic as well. This little code does saturated addition on four bytes of a dword. It's based on the idea to calculate 32 half-adders in parallel, e.g. adding numbers without carry overflow.
This is done first. Then the carries are calculated, added and replaced with a mask if the addition would overflow.
uint32_t SatAddUnsigned8(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t signmask = 0x80808080;
uint32_t t0 = (y ^ x) & signmask;
uint32_t t1 = (y & x) & signmask;
x &= ~signmask;
y &= ~signmask;
x += y;
t1 |= t0 & x;
t1 = (t1 << 1) - (t1 >> 7);
return (x ^ t0) | t1;
You can get the same for 16 bits (or any kind of bit-field) by changing the signmask constant and the shifts at the bottom like this:
uint32_t SatAddUnsigned16(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t signmask = 0x80008000;
uint32_t t0 = (y ^ x) & signmask;
uint32_t t1 = (y & x) & signmask;
x &= ~signmask;
y &= ~signmask;
x += y;
t1 |= t0 & x;
t1 = (t1 << 1) - (t1 >> 15);
return (x ^ t0) | t1;
uint32_t SatAddUnsigned32 (uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
uint32_t signmask = 0x80000000;
uint32_t t0 = (y ^ x) & signmask;
uint32_t t1 = (y & x) & signmask;
x &= ~signmask;
y &= ~signmask;
x += y;
t1 |= t0 & x;
t1 = (t1 << 1) - (t1 >> 31);
return (x ^ t0) | t1;
Above code does the same for 16 and 32 bit values.
If you don't need the feature that the functions add and saturate multiple values in parallel just mask out the bits you need. On ARM you also want to change the signmask constant because ARM can't load all possible 32 bit constants in a single cycle.
Edit: The parallel versions are most likely slower than the straight forward methods, but they are faster if you have to saturate more than one value at a time.