Question: What are tips and tools you can give us to help troubleshoot & monitor performance on ColdFusion 8 & the JRE?
What we're currently doing: We currently use a combination of the following to help us, but feel like we're not really getting anywhere. I'd love to be able to have a peak into the JRE to see what's going on.
- FusionReactor
- /opt/coldfusion8/bin/cfstat
- /opt/coldfusion8/bin/logs/* (primarily exception.log & cfserver.log)
- ColdFusion Debug output (for tracking request & query response times)
- Apache 'server-status'
- MySQL Administrator to monitor database activity
System Info: We are running multiple ColdFusion 8 Application servers. They were installed on RH Linux with ColdFusion 8,0,1,195765 Standard, using the default Sun JRE v1.6.0_04 that came with the installer. Our databases are on a dedicated database server, running MySQL 5.0.45 on RH Linux.
Problems: We are running into weird issues, such as the following:
- The page load hanging halfway through the browser loading the page (with the browser window staying all white, not loading any HTML). If you stop the request and refresh again, it works fine the second time.
- ColdFusion crashing hard. When we restart ColdFusion, the exception log is saying the file is bad. We have to reinstall ColdFusion to get it back working.
- Started seeing "too many open files" in the exception.log. We followed instructions here on how to change the limit of files that could be open.
Extra info:
- We are starting to utilize memcached in our applications to reduce the amount of database calls that we have, hoping this helps.
- We turned our client storage to the registry instead of the database as a test to see if that helped by not making database calls.
- We are scheduling to update our JRE to the latest version (1.6.0_14) to see how that helps.