




We are starting now a new software project. We are 5 developers, located in US and Asia. We have a server hosted in the US and we plan to use it. We can set a SVN repository on it. It's a Linux server.

Below please find our requirements:
1. Windows good client. We develop on Windows (VisualStudio).
2. Private working-space on Windows for each of the developers.
3. Good bug-tracking. Integrating to SVN. Working on the server or on the client.

What do you suggest? Please specify names of SVN client and bug-tracker.

If you are working in a similar approach - please specify pros & cons.

Thank you very much!

+7  A: 

I have always liked Trac.

fwiw, here's a link to Trac:
Mark E
+1  A: 

Tortoise SVN is a great windows shell-based client. Found problems with Ankh SVN (integration with visual studio). As for bug tracking - OnTime is good and highly configurable (and has client exposure).

OnTime is probably the worst bug tracking system I've ever used, I'd have to recommend against it. It's also not really clear how to integrate it with SVN.
We found it really useful in providing reporting for our PM's directly from the data updated by the dev's. We got it to connect to SVN and link to bugs quite easily.
+9  A: 

TortoiseSVN is pretty good as a Windows SVN client.

+1  A: 

As for Windows client you can use Tortoise SVN and if you want to use it straight from VS you have AnkhSVN. Tortoise integrates with Windows Explorer so it can work with any projects, Ankh can be a bit easier to use from Visual Studio as you won't have to switch to Windows Explorer to commit changes but it will work only with VS projects.

You can easily integrate SVN repository with Trac or JIRA. JIRA is more advanced but you have to buy it, trac is available for free.

+3  A: 

For SVN client I would recommend TortoiseSVN. For bug tracking Bugzilla.

+1  A: 

Have a look @ Jtrac

we have been using this to track bugs in our small inhouse project.

+4  A: 

I agree that Tortoise SVN is your best bet for a windows based SVN client. We use that with BugTracker .NET which has SVN integration using Tortoise SVN and it works great. Easy setup, straight forward UI, has some basic reporting and categorizing options, plus we managed to modify our the error reporting section of our software to send bugs through a web service which are then created in BugTrack.Net automaticlly as our testers are based all around the world. Your best bet if you are after a simple, easy bug tracker.

BugTracker .NET is also open source so its free. Alternatively BugZilla is another good one although I haven't used it as much myself.


For SVN, TortoiseSVN and for bug tracking onTime is good. We are using the both right now. Ontime can't really integrate well with SVN. But as OnTime is full configurable, we have create custom svn revision field and fill it when we close an item. In the SVN clientSide, we add in the commit comment the ID of the item (bug or feature).

The advantage with onTime in comparison to a bugtracker like Bugzilla or BugTracker .Net is that OnTime isn't only a bug tracker. It's a Project Software Management. You can add your hours, generate report, buid wiki, he full supports Scrum with great burn down chart generation, adn so on.

+6  A: 

Another thumbs up for TortoiseSVN.

I'd also recommend installing WinMerge which integrates with Tortoise. It's vastly superior to Tortoise's built in merge.

Craig M
+6  A: 

Some of our developers had problems with AnkhSVN, so now we use TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN to integrate it with Visual Studio. The integration is not necessary if you take care when renaming and deling files, but I think it's nice to be able to do it directly in Visual Studio when you're refactoring class names and therefore renaming files.

Note that VisualSVN costs about 50 $ per license.

Jan Aagaard
+2  A: 

Redmine has the features you need, plus project & document management, time tracking, forums and wiki.

As for SVN client, I also recommend TortoiseSVN.

EDIT: Redmine can be installed as a VMWare appliance, so setting it up should be easy.

Sorin Comanescu
I've used redmine in the past with excellent results.
Jim T
+1 for Redmine. It does what it's supposed to do.
+1 for Redmine, we transitioned from Bugzilla and never looked back
Bojan Resnik

I had good experiences with tortoise and trac. Now I am using three different installations of Fogbugz (2 free hosted and one at my full time job)

I have not used many other systems.

If you have the ability to spend money, I'd recommend fogbugz, otherwise go with trac, or the others recommended here.


Depending on your exact needs I would recommend the following:

Subversion Client
Either Tortoise SVN, which integrates nicely with Windows Explorer or Ankh SVN, which integrates nicely with Visual Studio.

Most bugtrackers advised in this topic are free and/or open-source but since your question does not state that as a requirement I would suggest Atlassian Jira or FogBugz since they are (imo) definately the best bugtrackers around.


Thank you all!

I just want to make sure: Does TortoiseSVN client work with server which located on the internet?

Yes it does, even works on a flash drive :)
+4  A: 

For the SVN clients, there are two you should consider:
* TortoiseSVN is a SVN client the has shell integration, meaning it itegrates with Windows Explorer.
* AnkhSVN intergrates with Visual Studio.
As far as I know, they are not mutually exclusive, so you could use both.

For the bug tracker with SVN integration, there are three free open source bug trackers you should look at:
* BugTracker.NET - which you'll have to run on a Windows machine. (I'm the author of BugTracker.NET)
* Trac
* Redmine

Trac is very widely used. The most common general criticism of it is that it is oriented to a single project.

Redmine was written to be a better Trac than Trac. It handles multiple projects. The most common general criticism of it is that it is very slow.

BugTracker.NET theoretically has its flaws, but it is very fast. I've been using trac a bit hunting for old bugs in the Sourceforge.NET and CKEditor trackers, and I think the BugTracker.NET search is way, way better than Trac's. So my personal complaint about Trac would be the weakness of its search.

If you want to explore commercial bug trackers that integrate with Subversion, then I'd start with FogBugz.

Corey Trager
+1 for saying a few words about trac and making me giggle with "BugTracker.NET theoretically has its flaws, but it is very fast." :).
Sorin Comanescu
+2  A: 

Since you are keeping source code under Subversion you might also want to keep bugs there using file-based bug tracker like Artifacts.

Fyodor Sheremetyev