I have an image on a polar grid. This image should be transformed into a cartesian grid, but the only algorithm I know of is really slow for this. Now I use the cartesian grid, for each point I find the r and theta values, and then I look in two vectors to find the smallest error defined by:
min{(th_vec - theta)^2 + (range - r)^2}
This gives a nested for-loop inside of the outer nested for-loop, so I have a complexity of O(N^4). A 512x512 image uses a whole minute to complete. Of course, a complexity like that can not be used, so I'm wondering if anyone know of any faster algorithms to do this?
I have the image, and the two vectors. The X-axis of the image is the angle, while the Y-axis of the image is the length from the center. The angle is always from 0-2pi, and the range goes from 0 to r_max.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: The range goes from 0 to r_max, not -r_max to r_max as it stood before. I see that there have been some missunderstandings. I have used the normal, inverse, conversion with;
r=sqrt(x^2 + y^2);
The problem is that I have to first convert the x and y values to x' and y' values, since the grid is from -r_max to r_max in the resulting image, but in pixels in the data. So I have a 512x512 image, but r_max can be something like 3.512. So I have to convert each pixel value into the grid value, then find the r and theta values. When I have found the r and theta values I have to run trough two vectors, range and th_vec, to find the pixel in the original image that matches:
min{(range - r)^2 + (th_vec - theta)^2}
This gives me a complexity of O(n^4), since the th_vec and range vectors are the same size as the image. So if I have a square matrix of 512x512 elements, I have to run trough 68 719 476 736 elements, which is way slow. So I'm wondering if there is a faster algorithm? I can't change the input data, so as far as I know, this is the only way to do it if you don't start with triangulation and stuff, but this is to expensive in times of memory.