


+1  Q: 

2D Shape Scaling

Hi well I got a problem about scaling shapes.Well I m trying to scale two similar shapes.It is in 2d and each shape has n points .I found a statement like this from a paper I read

"The size of a shape is the root mean square distance between the shape points and it's centroid."

So from this point if I calculate the size of both shapes S1 and S2 and lets say S1=xS2 so if I create scaling matrix like this

[x 0] [0 x]

(i just wrote 2x2 matrix i know it should be different) and if I mulitply it with S2 are their shapes aligned? Thx


It reminds me of Fant's Resampling Algorithm, smooth... Not sure it fits your question.


If I'm understanding what you wrote, then multiplying your matrix by a shape, (say, S2) will scale Each of S2's points by a factor of x.

This says nothing about their alignment. this paper might help your understanding if you want to do it efficiently

well I thought like that too but I dont know. looking for that paper you gave link to.thx
+1  A: 

Well I think I found a solution .It is done using a scale metric instead of real scale value.

if the shape 3 points (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) a scale metric S is square root of sum of each points squared values like

mean x=(x1+x2+x3)/3

mean y=(y1+y2+y3)/3

S=((x1-x)^2 +(y1-y)^2+(x2-x)^2 +(y2-y)^2+(x3-x)^2 +(y3-y)^2)^1/2

and if this scale metric is calculated for both shapes there will be an equation like this S1=AS2

and if all points of shape 2 is multiplied with value of A they will have similar shapes.

anyone want to comment?
well there is a small mistake here i ll update it. right now this just works when both shapes are centered at origin