



I have a 4 side convex Polygon defined by 4 points in 2D, and I want to be able to generate random points inside it.

If it really simplifies the problem, I can limit the polygon to a parallelogram, but a more general answer is prefered.

Generating random points until one is inside the polygon wouldn't work because it's really unpredictable the time it takes.

+13  A: 

A. If you can restrict your input to parallelogram, this is really simple:

  1. Take two random numbers between 0 and 1. We'll call then u and v.
  2. If you parallelogram is defined by the points ABCD such that AB, BC, CD and DA are the sides, then take your point as being:

    p = A + u*AB + b*AD

where AB is the vector from A to B and AD the vector from A to D.

B. Now, if you cannot, you can still use the barycentric coordinates. Basically, the barycentric coordinates correspond, for a quad, to 4 coordinates (a,b,c,d) such that a+b+c+d=1. Then, any point P within the quad can be described by a 4-uple such that:

P = a A + b B + c C + d D

In your case, you can draw 4 random numbers and normalize them so that they add up to 1. That will give you a point. Note that the distribution of points will NOT be uniform in that case.

C. You can also, as proposed elsewhere, decompose the quad into two triangles and use the half-parallelogram method (i.e. as the parallelogram but you add the condition u+v=1) or the barycentric coordinates for triangles. However, if you want uniform distribution, the probability of having a point in one of the triangle must be equal to the area of the triangle divided by the area of the quad.

very very nice answer :) stackoverflow is fantastic, full of nice answers at every step
+1  A: 

A somewhat less "naïve" approach would be to use a polygon fill algorithm, and then select points from the fill lines randomly.

C Code Sample

//  public-domain code by Darel Rex Finley, 2007

int  nodes, nodeX[MAX_POLY_CORNERS], pixelX, pixelY, i, j, swap ;

//  Loop through the rows of the image.
for (pixelY=IMAGE_TOP; pixelY<IMAGE_BOT; pixelY++) {

  //  Build a list of nodes.
  nodes=0; j=polyCorners-1;
  for (i=0; i<polyCorners; i++) {
    if (polyY[i]<(double) pixelY && polyY[j]>=(double) pixelY
    ||  polyY[j]<(double) pixelY && polyY[i]>=(double) pixelY) {
      nodeX[nodes++]=(int) (polyX[i]+(pixelY-polyY[i])/(polyY[j]-polyY[i])
      *(polyX[j]-polyX[i])); }
    j=i; }

  //  Sort the nodes, via a simple “Bubble” sort.
  while (i<nodes-1) {
    if (nodeX[i]>nodeX[i+1]) {
      swap=nodeX[i]; nodeX[i]=nodeX[i+1]; nodeX[i+1]=swap; if (i) i--; }
    else {
      i++; }}

  //  Fill the pixels between node pairs.
  //  Code modified by SoloBold 27 Oct 2008
  //  The flagPixel method below will flag a pixel as a possible choice.
  for (i=0; i<nodes; i+=2) {
    if   (nodeX[i  ]>=IMAGE_RIGHT) break;
    if   (nodeX[i+1]> IMAGE_LEFT ) {
      if (nodeX[i  ]< IMAGE_LEFT ) nodeX[i  ]=IMAGE_LEFT ;
      if (nodeX[i+1]> IMAGE_RIGHT) nodeX[i+1]=IMAGE_RIGHT;
      for (j=nodeX[i]; j<nodeX[i+1]; j++) flagPixel(j,pixelY); }}}

   // TODO pick a flagged pixel randomly and fill it, then remove it from the list.
   // Repeat until no flagged pixels remain.
I suspect this is not what Turambar needs, but it will work. Some lines are longer than others, so to get a uniform distribution, don't pick a line, then pick a pixel. Count the pixels, then choose one randomly, and find its location from the list...
+5  A: 

Your polygon is two triangles, so why not randomly select one of those, then find a random point in the triangle.

Probably not the best solution, but it'd work.

If you need a uniform distribution for the random points, make sure you take into account the area of each of the two triangles and weight appropriately.
Robert Gamble
+1  A: 

Do the points need to be uniformly distributed, or is any distribution ok?

Can the polygon be concave, or is it guarenteed to be convex?

If the answer to both the above is no, then pick any two of the vertexes and pick a random point on the line segment between them. This is limited to the line segements connecting the vertexes (ie, VERY non-uniform); you can do a bit better by picking a third vertex and then picking a point between that and the first point -- still non-uniform, but at least any point in the polygon is possible

Picking a random point on a line between two points is easy, just A + p(B-A), where A and B are the points and p is a random number between 0.0 and 1.0

Chris Dodd

What kind of distribution do you want the points to have? If you don't care, the above methods will work fine. If you want a uniform distribution, the following procedure will work: Divide the polygon into two triangles, a and b. Let A(a) and A(b) be their areas. Sample a point p from the uniform distribution on the interval between 0 and A(a)+A(b). If p < A(a), choose triangle a. Otherwise, choose triangle b. Choose a vertex v of the chosen triangle, and let c and d be the vectors corresponding to the sides of the triangle. Sample two numbers x and y from the exponential distribution with unit average. Then the point (xc+yd)/(x+y) is a sample from the uniform distribution on the polygon.

+1  A: 

By "general" do you mean all non-parallelogram 4-side polygons in general or all possible polygons?

How about drawing a random line connecting the 4 sides e.g. If you have this:

A    C
A    C

Then generate a random point on a unit square, then mark the point on the line B and D at the percentage of distance on the X axis. Do the same on line A and C using value from the Y axis.

Then connect the point on line A to line C and line B to line D, the intersection point is then used as the random point.

It's not uniform because rounding errors will aid certain points but it should be close if you are working with floating points values.

Implementation should be rather easy, too, since you are already working with polygons. You should already have code that does those simple tasks.

Here's a quick pseudocode:

void GetRandomPoint(Polygon p, ref float x, ref float y) {

    float xrand = random();
    float yrand = random();

    float h0 = p.Vertices[0] + xrand * p.Vertices[1];
    float h1 = p.Vertices[2] + yrand * p.Vertices[3];

    float v0 = p.Vertices[0] + xrand * p.Vertices[2];
    float v1 = p.Vertices[1] + yrand * p.Vertices[3];

    GetLineIntersection(h0, h1, v0, v1, x, y);

+6  A: 

Assuming you want a uniform distribution: Form two triangles from your polygon. Pick which triangle to generate the point in according to their area ratio.

Call the corners of the triangle A, B, C, the side vectors AB, BC, AC and generate two random numbers in [0,1] called a and b. Let p = a*AB + b*AC.

If A+p is inside the triangle, return A+p

If A+p is outside the triangle, return A + AB + AC - p

(This is basically PierreBdR's formula except for the preprocessing and the last step that folds the point back into a triangle, so it can handle other shapes than parallelograms).
