



In Windows I would like to be able to run a script or application that starts an another application and sets its size and location. An example of this would be to run an application/script that starts notepad and tells it to be 800x600 and to be in the top right corner. Does anyone have any ideas regardless of language?


Do you mean something like this:

$ xterm -geometry 135x35+0+0

which puts an xterm at the top-left of the screen (+0+0) and makes it 135 columns by 35 lines? Most X apps take a -geometry argument with the same syntax (though often in pixels, not characters like xterm), and you can obviously put that in a shell script.

Alternatively, if the program is already running, the xwit command can be used to move it:

xwit -move 0 0 -columns 135 -id $WINDOWID

That will move the xterm its running in to the top-left corner of the screen, and make it 135 columns wide. It works on any window, not just xterms. For example:

xwit -move 0 0 -id 0x6600091

just moved my browser window. You can find window IDs with xwininfo, xlsclients, or several others.

That looks like it is for a UNIX OS (is this correct?) I edited the question after you posted to specify the OS. Thanks though for the quick response.
Well, its actually any X Window system setup, which usually — but not always — means a Unix variant. No idea how to do this on Windows, but hopefully this answer will be useful to someone...

Some OSs or desktops allow to set the size and location of a window in a config dialog, for example KDE.

Aaron Digulla