This JS will be executed on pages with a lot of fields. Can you see anyway to improve the speed of this code? If so, can you explain what you found?
var _TextInputs = null;
function GetTextInputs()
if (_TextInputs == null)
_TextInputs = jq('input[type=text]');
return _TextInputs;
var _Spans = null;
function GetSpans()
if (_Spans == null)
_Spans = jq('span');
return _Spans;
function UpdateRate(ratefield, name)
GetTextInputs().filter('[' + name + ']').each(function()
this.value = FormatCurrencyAsString(FormatCurrencyAsFloat(ratefield.value));
CalculateCharge(name.replace('Rate', ''), jq(this).attr(name));
function CalculateCharge(name, activity_id)
var inputs = GetTextInputs();
var bill_field = inputs.filter('[' + name + 'Bill=' + activity_id + ']');
var rate_field = inputs.filter('[' + name + 'Rate=' + activity_id + ']');
var charge_field = GetSpans().filter('[' + name + 'Charge=' + activity_id + ']');
charge_field.text(FormatCurrencyAsString(FormatCurrencyAsFloat(bill_field.val()) * FormatCurrencyAsFloat(rate_field.val())));