My first question =). I'm writing a video game with a user interface written in JavaFx. The behavior is correct, but I'm having performance problems. I'm trying to figure out how to figure out what is queuing up the refreshes which are slowing down the app.
I've got a relatively complex Scene Graph that represents a hexagonal map. It scales so that you could have 100 or a 1000 hexagons in the map. As the number of hexagons grow the responsiveness of the gui decreases. I've used YourKit (a Java Profiler) to trace these delays to major redraw operations.
I've spent most of the night trying to figure out how to do two things and understand one thing:
1) Cause a CustomNode to print something to the console whenever it is painted. This would help me identify exactly when these paints are being queued.
2) Identify when a CustomNode is put on the repaint queued.
If I answered 1 and 2, I might be able to figure out what it is that is binding all these different nodes together. Is it possible that JavaFX only works through global refreshes (doubtful)?