[Edit - I expanded this a little more at http://www.acooke.org/cute/AutoScalin0.html ]
A naive extension of the "nice numbers" algorithm seems to work for base 12 and 60, which gives good intervals for hours and minutes. This is code I just hacked together:
LIM10 = (10, [(1.5, 1), (3, 2), (7, 5)], [1, 2, 5])
LIM12 = (12, [(1.5, 1), (3, 2), (8, 6)], [1, 2, 6])
LIM60 = (60, [(1.5, 1), (20, 15), (40, 30)], [1, 15, 40])
def heckbert_d(lo, hi, ntick=5, limits=None):
Heckbert's "nice numbers" algorithm for graph ranges, from "Graphics Gems".
if limits is None:
limits = LIM10
(base, rfs, fs) = limits
def nicenum(x, round):
step = base ** floor(log(x)/log(base))
f = float(x) / step
nf = base
if round:
for (a, b) in rfs:
if f < a:
nf = b
for a in fs:
if f <= a:
nf = a
return nf * step
delta = nicenum(hi-lo, False)
return nicenum(delta / (ntick-1), True)
def heckbert(lo, hi, ntick=5, limits=None):
Heckbert's "nice numbers" algorithm for graph ranges, from "Graphics Gems".
def _heckbert():
d = heckbert_d(lo, hi, ntick=ntick, limits=limits)
graphlo = floor(lo / d) * d
graphhi = ceil(hi / d) * d
fmt = '%' + '.%df' % max(-floor(log10(d)), 0)
value = graphlo
while value < graphhi + 0.5*d:
yield fmt % value
value += d
return list(_heckbert())
So, for example, if you want to display seconds from 0 to 60,
>>> heckbert(0, 60, limits=LIM60)
['0', '15', '30', '45', '60']
or hours from 0 to 5:
>>> heckbert(0, 5, limits=LIM12)
['0', '2', '4', '6']