



I've been interested in hardware programming recently but not started yet.

I did some searching working,and have a vague idea:

Arduino is a combination of both chip and breadboard.

avr is a single chip,and need to buy a breadboard to get started.

Can someone ensure or deny this?

+14  A: 
Do you mean I am right or wrong?
Edited post to clarify.

What you've said is correct - the AVR is the family of the chip used on the Arduino. There's a whole bunch of 8bit AVRs with various flash/ram/peripheral/pin configurations, just as there are a bunch of different Arduino boards and clones.

However while software for the AVR is commonly developed in assembly, C or basic and loaded on to the chip using a hardware programmer, the Arduino includes a cross platform IDE (see the Wikipedia page) that is designed to make getting started much simpler. Software is developed in a C-like language (roughly based on Processing) and supports loading software on the device using just a USB cable.

What does it all boil down to? The Arduino will get you started quicker, and you'll see results faster (and they are becoming very popular in the maker/hobbyist community) - plus the Arduino Sheilds which plug in to provide additional functionality are a bonus. Getting a chip, breadboard and programmer will (arguably) give you slightly more power and flexibility - and etching your own circuit boards (optional) is a blast!

Peter Gibson