I am building a system for my client. Its a lot like www.getafreelancer.com. There are 2 types of user: Service Provider and Service Buyer. Service Buyers post projects. Service Providers are notified of any new projects posted, which fit into their classifications.
Assume: There are approx 100 qualifications. Service Provider can choose 10-15 qualification. Now approx 100 projects are posted daily. And there are 1 million service provider. And problem is we have to send email notifications to the service providers matching their chosen qualifications with the project category. (For all 100 projects daily).
It would be like proceeding user by user. Checking their qualification with the project category and sending them email. How can I send 20 * 1 million = 20 millions email daily.
(Currently there wont be 1 million users. But programming must be done with future requirements)
Please provide some suggestions.
My question is: Will I need any special hardware to send 1 million emails.