I'm curious to know what are the performance impacts of using HTTP Basic Auth on a webserver like Apache or lighttpd or nginx. I imagine the bottleneck is the actual reading of the file by the server to authenticate a user. It also seems to me that the cost of reading the file to authenticate a user is proportional to the number of users in that file.
Questions i have are:
1. is there a specific number of users at which basic auth via file starts to fall dramatically or is it linearly relative to the number of users in the file?
2. Given the stateless nature of http, if a user has been authenticated using HTTP Basic Auth by the webserver on one request:
- does it simply forward the credentials on every request and the webserver must parse the password file everytime in order to determine if this is a request from a valid user?
- get something like a token that it uses in the http header on subsequent requests, allowing the server to avoid parsing the password file again?
thanks in advance