
This seems to need a bit of rewriting.

nth-child is a slow operation. You should implement the current functionality by generating classes or ids that would be common for the TDs in table and elements from the refs collection (dip3.js line 183). and then:

refs.each(function(i) {
  var a = $(this);
  var li = a.parents("pre").next("table").find("td."+a.attr('class'));
  li.add(a).hover(function() { a.css(hip); li.css(hip); },
  function() { a.css(unhip); li.css(unhip); });

This popup message is misleading - it doesn't actually mean that IE is running slowly, but that the number of executed script statements has exceeded a certain threshold. Even if the script executes very quickly, you'll still see this message if you go over the limit. The only way to get rid of it is to reduce the number of statements executed or edit the registry.


I find Microsoft's implementation of this very annoying. It makes assumptions about the speed of your computer.

Andy West