



I have the number 654987. Its an ID in a database. I want to convert it to a string. The regular Double.ToString(value) makes it into scientific form, 6.54987E5. Something I dont want.

Other formatting functions Ive found checks the current locale and adds appropriate thousand separators and such. Since its an ID, I cant accept any formatting at all.

How to do it?

[Edit] To clarify: Im working on a special database that treats all numeric columns as doubles. Double is the only (numeric) type I can retrieve from the database.

+4  A: 

If it's an integer id in the database, use an Integer instead. Then it will format as an integer.

Ned Batchelder
In a perfect world, of course, but the reason for the question is that Im trying to work around limits in the database; the only (numeric) type it can store is a double.
+4  A: 

What about:



new String(value)
Eemeli Kantola
Please don't suggest `""+value`! It's a hack and doesn't convey the intent in any way. I'd say it's bad style at the very least.
Joachim Sauer
Ok :) Replaced that with "new String(value)".
Eemeli Kantola
new String(value) will have the same problem as the question mentions, if value is a `double`.
Joachim Sauer
+3  A: 

How about String.valueOf((long)value);

+3  A: 

Use a fixed NumberFormat (specifically a DecimalFormat):

double value = getValue();
String str = new DecimalFormat("#").format(value);

alternatively simply cast to int (or long if the range of values it too big):

String str = String.valueOf((long) value);

But then again: why do you have an integer value (i.e. a "whole" number) in a double variable in the first place?

Joachim Sauer
Reason for double is that Im working with a database that treats all numeric columns as doubles.

Why is a database ID being treated as a double? Shouldn't it be an int? Try treating it as an integer.

Brian Schroth
Maybe the database they are using does not store `INT` values that high
then it should be a long. Either way, not a double.
Brian Schroth
James is correct, at least to some degree. The database does, in facte, *only* store doubles. See updated question.
Fair enough. Though it sucks to get downvoted for an answer that was reasonable at the time it was posted! :P
Brian Schroth
I dont see any downvotes on you, maybe you got another vote? Anyway, as the question gets updated so should the answers, dont you think?
+2  A: 

Use Long:

long id = 654987;
String str = Long.toString(id);

If what you are storing is an ID (i.e. something used only to identify another entity, whose actual numeric value has no significance) then you shouldn't be using Double to store it. Precision will almost certainly screw you.

If your database doesn't allow integer values then you should stored IDs as strings. If necessary make the string the string representation of the integer you want to use. With appropriate use of leading zeros you can make the alphabetic order of the string the same as the numeric order of the ints.

That should get you round the issue.

Sadly, both the database and its datatypes are set. The column I am to handle is a double and there is nothing I can do about it. When the database is read I of course quickly convert it into an int for internal use (or a string as you suggest). It doesnt really matter since the problem is the actual conversion, as I cant change the content or layout of the database.
 double d = 56789;
 String s = d+"";
Doesnt that call Double.toString(d)? Which by default, if Im not mistaken, adds both scientific notation and thousand separators (if necessary).