




I don't understand different behaviour for plain variables and named arrays inherited from base class as visualised by the following example:

itcl::class A {
    variable foo
    variable FruitBasket 
    constructor  {} {
        array set FruitBasket [list Apple 1 Pear 2 Plums 3]
        set foo 7
        puts "inside constructor of class A, FruitBasket(Pear)=$FruitBasket(Pear)"

    public method Get {} {
        puts foo=$foo
        puts FruitBasket(Pear)=$FruitBasket(Pear)


itcl::class B {
    inherit A
    constructor  {} {
        set foo 9
        array set FruitBasket [list Apple 2 Pear 4 Plums 6]
        puts "inside constructor of class A, FruitBasket(Pear)=$FruitBasket(Pear)"


If now an object of class B is instantiated, and procedure Get inherited from base class is invoked for the object, while content of the plain variable foo is changed, the named array cannot be even found!

%  B1 Get
can't read "FruitBasket(Pear)": no such variable
+1  A: 

Thank for your answer. Much appreciated. There was a typo:

variable FruitBasket

was written as:

variable Fruits

So it works!

Sorry for inconvenience!

Feel free to delete the question.
glenn jackman
Yes but how? I don't find anything appropriate.