I have a large set of 3rd order polynomials in 3D.
in matrix form
[Pn](t) = [1,t,t^2,t^4]*[An] // [Pn] and [An] are matrices
each function has a weight Wn. I want to, for some n, m, T and t0 find the first t where t>t0 such that
Wn*Wm / |[Pn](t)-[Pm](t)|^2 > T
aside from a the O(n^2) "try everything" approach I'm not even sure where to start, For that matter, I'm not shure how to answer this even for the known n & m.
Any ideas
- the set size is on the order of 10-1000
- the weight's are distributed ~ logarithmically (very few large, many small)
- this test would be in an inner loop of an n-body simulator so it would get run a lot
- versions that do well (amortized) at finding a new answer after on path is altered are a good thing.