


inline void add(const DataStruct& rhs) {
   using namespace boost::assign;
   vec.reserve(vec.size() + 3);
   vec += rhs.a, rhs.b, rhs.c;

The above function was executed for about 17000 times and it performed (as far as I can see. There was some transformation involved) about 2 magnitudes worse with the call to vector::reserve.

I always was under the impression that reserve can speed up push_back even for small values but this doesn't seem true and I can't find any obvious reasons why it shouldn't be this way. Does reserve prevent the inlining of the function? Is the call to size() too expensive? Does this depend on the platform? I'll try and code up some small benchmark to confirm this in a clean environment.

Compiler: gcc (GCC) 4.4.2 with -g -O2

+4  A: 

Use only reserve if you know in advance how much place it will use.

Reserve will need to copy your whole vector...

If you do a push_back and the vector is too small, then it will do a reserve (vec.size()*2).

If you don't know beforehand how big your vector is going to be and if you need random access, consider using std::deque.

Tristram Gräbener
It's not an heuristic. Is proved that on average the insertion of a new element is O(1). Read any book on amortized analysis (eg. Introduction to Algorithms).
well.. I think it would be fair to say that it's a heuristic that mathematically proven to have the best performance in the average case.
You can prove the same with multiplying by 3 instead of two. But I'll edit it anyways if it bothers you that much.
Tristram Gräbener
I would say it is neither a heurstic nor an algorithm. It is a strategy that works well for a lot of usage scenarios.
I read something somewhere that multiplying by 1.5 worked better. I don't remember where, what assumptions they were making, or anything like that. Obviously, multiplying by a bigger constant reduces the number of reallocations and uses memory less efficiently.
David Thornley
It is also true, that, for multiplying size by `n` on exhaust, one additional copy is made for each `n-1` push_back callsTherefore, multiplying for 1.5 works exactly *twice* slower.
Pavel Shved
Multiplying the current allocated size by any constant (besides 0) will result in logarithmic growth. Changing the constant is just tuning, Big O performance is still the same. 1.5 favors smaller vectors, 2 favors larger. They chose 2 because it is a nice round number in computer land, and any tuning would be meaningless as my usage will differ from yours. If you need tune the behavior you can easily subvert the default behavior using size() and reserve().
"They chose 2" - who? Dinkumware chose 1.5. Note that Pavel Shved's analysis is wrong (probably due to poor wording). If you grow a million element vector by a factor `n==1.5`, then you can obviously add 500.000 elements, not`n-1==0.5`
+5  A: 

You only use reserve() if you know in advance the number of elements. In that case reserve() space for all elements at once.

Otherwise just use push_back() and rely on the default strategy - it will reallocate exponentially and greatly reduce the number of reallocations at a cost of slightly suboptimal memory consumption.

+1  A: 

Move the reserve outside of the add.

Each time you invoke "add", you are reserving atleast 3 extra elements. Depending on the implementation of vector, this could be increasing the size of the backing array almost every time you call "add". That is would definately cause the performance difference that you describe.

The correct way to use reserve is something like:

for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
James Schek
+11  A: 

GCC implementation of reserve() will allocate exact number of elements, while push_back() will grow internal buffer exponentially by doubling it, so you are defeating the exponential growth and forcing reallocation/copy on each iteration. Run your test under ltrace or valgrind and see the number of malloc() calls.

Nikolai N Fetissov
+1. I have just checked GCC sources and been going to write the same.
Pavel Shved
Is the exponential growth of the buffer through push_back() guaranteed by the standard or implementation defined?
No, exponential growth is not guaranteed by the standard, it's an implementation detail, same as this particular behavior of reserve().
Nikolai N Fetissov
Exponential growth IS effectively guaranteed by the standard, as it's the only reasonable way to get amortized O(1) behavior for push_back (unreasonable solutions include allocating all memory ;) )
The behavior of GCC can be explained too: by letting you set exactly the expected size, they allow you the opportunity of not wasting memory in cases where you know actually how much you'll need.
Matthieu M.
+1  A: 

If you profiled the code I bet you would see that the += IS very fast, the problem is the reserve is killing you. You should really only use reserve when you have some knowledge of how big the vector will grow to. If you can guess ahead of time then do ONE reserve, otherwise just go with the default push_back.

+3  A: 

When std::vector needs to reallocate it grows its allocation size by N*2, where n is its current size. This results in a logarithmic number of reallocs as the vector grows.

If instead the std::vector grew its allocated space by a constant amount, the number of reallocs would grow linearly as the vector grows.

What you've done is essentially cause the vector to grow by a constant amount 3, meaning linear growth. Linear is obviously worse that logarithmic, especially with big numbers.

Generally, the only growth better than logarithmic is constant. That is why the standards committee created the reserve method. If you can avoid all reallocs (constant) you will perform better than the default logarithmic behavior.

That said you may want to consider Herb Sutter's comments about preferring std::deque over vector
