I have had zero success with in app purchase. I have submitted the free app binary, and then rejected the binary. I have added the test product. I have approved the test product TAP001.
I have followed the code examples to no avail. I do a SKProducts request using both "com.companyname.appid.TAP001" and just "TAP001"
Regardless, I get an empty response.products and response.invalidProductIdentifiers with the product string I sent.
I created a test user, but seeing how I cannot get any product info, the test user doesn't really come into play yet.
Can in app purchase be tested in debug or release builds? Or does it have to be a distribution?
Must one have a fully accepted app in the app store prior to testing in app purchase?
I am simply trying to test the process out and I do not have an actual app yet. I went as far as to fill out all the bank and tax information. I have followed the steps in the app docs but clearly I have something wrong or missing.